Book Reviews

A TIME FOR MERCY is John Grisham’s Best Book In Years.



A TIME FOR MERCY by John Grisham

Some John Grisham fans thought they noticed a decline of quality in his last few books. He seemed to have lost the spirit and flavor of storytelling that drew readers to him in the first place. Now he has brought out a second sequel to his hugely popular early novel A TIME TO KILL. This new one is titled A TIME FOR MERCY and it is a return to the entertaining Grisham from the olden days.

This book takes place five years after A TIME TO KILL and two years after the sequel SYCAMORE ROW. It finds Jake Brigance still in the practice of law in Clanton, Mississippi. He is married to Carla, a school teacher, and they have a ten year old daughter Hannah. Life is pretty calm though Jake is still struggling to make ends meet. So he is not happy when his friend Judge Omar Noose asks him to take on the case of an indigent sixteen year old boy who is being accused of murder.

This is a case with a lot of complexities and it provides the kind of setting in which Grisham excels. Plus Grisham brings in other cases with which Jake is involved as well as some personal situations which demand the reader’s attention. Getting back in this mode gives us back the old Grisham and it is a welcome return.

This book is also the most adult novel Grisham has written. There is more profanity, violence and (gasp!) sexual situations. Jake is not as idealistic as he once was and is more of a do what it takes to succeed kind of lawyer. He is not above bending the rules.

As good as the book is, it does have its flaws. Grisham has three or more large plot issues in the story and not all of them are resolved when the book ends. Perhaps he is preparing readers for another sequel or two. In any case this book does not have a feeling of completeness when the last page has been read.

Also the book could have done with a bit more humor. Grisham is a funny guy and he has a dry wit that is very appealing when he uses it. Jake is a character who could have been an outlet for this part of Grisham’s talent.

Still this is the best book Grisham has written in years. It held my attention from start to finish and left me wanting more. When they make the movie, and I am sure there will be a movie, I wonder if Matthew McConaughhey and Sandra Bullock will have aged themselves out of their previous roles. Me, I don’t think so.

A TIME FOR MERCY is published by Doubleday. It contains 464 pages and sells for $29.95.

Jackie K Cooper

Jackie Cooper

The author Jackie Cooper

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