
My “Thank You” Video – 2/24/19


Thank you to all the new subscribers. I never dreamed this would happen. Special thanks to Maxwell (Trickster002) for posting the original subreddit at r/pewdiepiesubmissions Also, shout out to the new subreddit he created r/supportfrompewdiepie

Jackie Cooper

The author Jackie Cooper


  1. Your content is so wholesome and makes feel great!

    You deserve the subs on your YT after all the work you’ve put in.

    I hope you keep producing great content, and hope that the new exposure can bring your shows to a new level.

  2. Thank YOU, Jackie, for making such informative and interesting videos! That’s the content everybody should see! Keep it going and we will happy to see your channel growing! Greets from Ukraine 🙂

  3. Absolutely love your content, it’s definitely helped me decide what is worth spending my money on. You’re an awesome guy and I am so glad I subscribed!

  4. Jackie, you draw a smile on my face.

    Books, Movies, TV shows. I read a couple of your reviews already and they are so concise and precise that reading them is a pleasure. Tastes are subjective but your description is illustrative and that is much appreciated.

    One day, years from now, I want to have something kind of like what you have with this ‘job’. You enjoy doing this and your work is fun for you. Now, the world is looking at it for what it is: GREAT WORK!

    I’m so happy for this. Thank you JKC and thanks to the 9yArmy as well!

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