

PAST TENSE by Lee Child

Lee Child outdoes himself with his new novel PAST TENSE which is another storyin the “Jack Reacher” series. All of the Child elements are there from Reacher’s amazing analytical talents to Reacher’s physical attributes being put to the test over and over. There is a solid story contained in these pages and the book is certainly appropriately titled. PAST TENSE goes well beyond tense and ends up in chilling territory.

The book opens with Reacher, a former military cop, hitting the road for another adventure. He just goes to a road, sticks out his thumb and he is off. He doesn’t get too far with his first ride but it gets him far enough to see a sign for Laconia, New Hampshire. This is the town where his father was raised so Reacher decides to head there and look up the old family home place.

At about this same time a couple from Canada named Patty and Shorty have struck out for Miami in a rundown car. It barely makes it to a motel they spy a few miles from Laconia. Once they get there they are welcomed with open arms by the staff and given a newly refurbished room. It all seems too good to be true and maybe it is. There seems to be something sinister afoot.

The two different stories go their separate ways for quite some time but readers will know they have to converge at some time. The suspense is in whether Reacher will be diverted to the motel in time to stop whatever shady happenings are planned by the hotel staff. Each side of the story gets more and more ominous and the readers emotions go quickly past tense to terrified.

PAST TENSE is revelatory in many, many ways. First we get a darker view of Reacher than we have had in the past. Maybe I have just forgotten some of his past stories but in this one he is quick to spring into action and to deliver heavy punishment or even death to the bad guys he meets. He is a massive man and physically at his peak so going up against one, two or more men is not a problem for him. Still the times he is in danger’s way, the results are logical and believable.

There is also a lot of Reacher family history in this story. You learn a little bit about his Mom and Dad but also about cousins and other distant relatives. It is the most personal Reacher story yet and Reacher stories are not usually personal in any way. This book also has a full cast of supporting players who add color and depth to the book.

All Reacher books are stand alone books in my opinion but it adds to the enjoyment if you have read some or all of the previous novels. Whether you have done that or not just know PAST TENSE is the best Jack Reacher book yet. I’ve read most of the past ones and this one wins the prize.

PAST TENSE is published by Delacourte Press. It contains 382 pages and sells for $28.99.

Jackie K Cooper

Jackie Cooper

The author Jackie Cooper

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