Book Reviews

Mary Kay Andrews Is At Her Best With THE HIGH TIDE CLUB



THE HIGH TIDE CLUB by Mary Kay Andrews

The publication of a Mary Kay Andrews’ book usually signifies the start of the “summer books”. So the arrival of her latest novel, THE HIGH TIDE CLUB, officially kicked things off. But this year is a little bit different. THE HIGH TIDE CLUB is a summer novel but there are definitely some dark clouds hovering over the sunny plot of this book. This is a deeper, darker side to Ms. Andrews style of writing – and it’s good.

THE HIGH TIDE CLUB is a story about a wealthy and eccentric woman named Josephine Bettendorf Warrick. She owns and occupies her own island, Talisa, which is located off the coast of Georgia. One day she summons local attorney Brooke Trappnell, to talk with her. Brooke is a single mother trying to eke out a living in a single attorney practice. Landing a client like Josephine would be a real feather in her cap, and would certainly boost her sparse bank account.

Brooke’s meeting with Josephine draws others into their orbit. Josephine wants to find her three best friends from her teen years, or at least find their descendants. Since Josephine is in her nineties the possibility her friends are still alive is remote. But Brooke accedes to Josephine’s wishes and tracks down the survivors or their heirs.

When they all gather to meet with Josephine old secrets come to the surface and serious questions about the past are raised. Terms such as murder, rape, greed and passion are tossed about. “The High Tide Club” is what Josephine and her best friends called themselves but they were not a simple, silly group. Each member kept secrets that could affect their families for decades to come.

Mary Kay Andrews draws her readers in on the strength of her past writings and offers old fans and new a book of weight and impact. She creates vivid characters who leap to life in her story and stay with the readers long after the book is finished. This is particularly true of Brooke who is a combination of intelligence, charm and humor. You will definitely want a sequel or two to keep this endearing character alive.

Summer novels are fun to read. Usually there is just the right amount of romance and mystery to keep you thumbing through the pages. But Mary Kay Andrews has written a book that is a deep dive into the summer surf of storytelling. There is no way to idly peruse this novel. It grabs you and demands you keep swimming through its four hundred plus pages.

If you come to this book as a fan of Mary Kay Andrews writings then you will leave as an even more ardent fan of her skills. If you have never picked up a Mary Kay Andrews book then this is the one you should grab first. It is one of her best books ever, No, it is her best book ever.

THE HIGH TIDE CLUB is published by St. Martin’s Press. It contains 464 pages and sells for $27.99.

Jackie K Cooper

Jackie Cooper

The author Jackie Cooper

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