

FEARED by Lisa Scottoline

Lisa Scottoline’s latest novel is titled FEARED and it is the sixth book in the Rosato & DiNunzio series. Why is this important? Because Scottoline is at her best when writing ifor this series of characters. Bennie Rosato and Mary DiNunzio rise up from the pages of Scottoline”s novels and become characters you feel you know and love. Nowhere is that more of a fact than in this latest story. FEARED is a book you read either biting your nails or crying your eyes out, and sometimes you do both at the same time.

Mary DiNunzio’s star has risen to the point where she has now become a named partner at the law firm of Rosato & DiNunzio. She has proven her worth as an attorney and loves the work she is doing. She also loves working with her former boss Bennie Rosato. Her best friend Judy Carrier is also a partner at the firm. On the day the firm is celebrating Mary’s pregnancy, the three partners are served with papers claiming reverse discrimination. Three males who had applied for a job at the firm claim they were not hired because of their gender.

The three women are aghast at such a claim because they know it is not true, plus they have a male associate at the firm, John Foxman. Shortly after they are served however they find John has made some statements about doubting he will ever be made partner because he is a man. These statements added to the fact Nick Machiavelli is the attorney representing the three men could cause major problems. Machiavelli lost his last big case to Mary and now he is determined to exact revenge.

All of this is enough to stir the readers’ interest especially when it threatens Mary DiNunzio, one of the most lovable characters ever created. She is wife to Anthony and is seven months pregnant with their first child. She is also a devoted daughter to her parents who live in South Philly. This is an area in Philadelphia where family is king Mary is Italian American and she and her people are all loud and loving.

Scottoline knows how to make Mary, her associates and her family enjoyable characters without making them caricatures. This is not easy to do as some of her family and friends are larger than life. Still Scottoline finds the balance of warmth, humor and charm that makes reading FEARED a love fest. Readers will devour this latest story like a big Italian dinner. It is perfectly cooked and served, and will fill you to the brim.

There is noperfect way to let you know how good this book is. You’ll just have to trust me when I say it is one of Scottoline’s best works ever – and that is high praise indeed. Once in love with Mary DiNunzio you are hooked for life. To a lesser degree you will fall in love with all the other characters, but Mary is the star attraction.

Lisa Scottoline knows these characters backwards and forward, and she has presented them previously in fascinating books. Still FEARED is in a class by itself. If you loved the other books in this series then you are gong to have anfield day reading this one. If you are new to these characters then you don’t know what you have been missing. Get this book and start making some great friends for life.

FEARED is published by St Martin’s Press. It contains 400 pages and sells for $27.99.

Jackie K Cooper

Jackie Cooper

The author Jackie Cooper

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