Book Reviews

Karin Slaughter’s THE LAST WIDOW Is a First Class Novel



THE LAST WIDOW by Karin Slaughter

A new book from Karin Slaughter is a significant literary event. A new book from Karin Slaughter that involves the characters of Will Trent and Sara Linton is even more so. Readers have been following their stories for years now and each Trent/Linton book only deepens the relationship between the two characters and the relationship between Slaughter and her readers. Slaughter’s latest novel THE LAST WIDOW is a Trent/Linton story.

This ambitious novel has Sara kidnapped by a “white supremacist” group. This group, led by a man named Dash, plans to set off a horrific attack on American soil. The when, where and what of his action is a secret until the very end of the book but Sara serves as a horrified bystander who is helpless to do anything to stop it.

Meanwhile Will is suffering from guilt. He holds himself responsible for the situation which led to Sara being kidnapped. Cathy, Sara’s mother, shares this opinion and lets Will know in no uncertain terms that he is not half the man Sara’s first husband Jeffery was. Already full of self doubt regarding his relationship with Sara, Will is beaten down both in mind and spirit by what has happened.

The amazing thing about Slaughter’s writing is how she gets inside all of these characters heads and gets their thoughts and emotions down on paper. We learn more about the essence of Will and Sara, which is to be expected. What isn’t expected is how much insight we gain into the make up of Dash and his wife Gwen. They are horrible, terrible people but Slaughter offers a chance to see their relationship with each other as well as their relationship with their children.

In THE LAST WIDOW Slaughter presents a story of vile human beings who want to destroy America. She gives us gruesome details of their actions and the way their evil is exerted upon the world. It is hard to absorb and difficult to read.

What holds it all together and makes it readable and enjoyable is the over arching love story of Will and Sara. That is basically what THE LAST WIDOW is above all else. It is a love story about two people who shouldn’t be in love, shouldn’t be able to make it work, and whose love should definitely not be realistic – but it is. As written by Slaughter it is as mushy as Harry and Sally”, as compelling as Scarlett and Rhett, and as unexpected as Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. It is one of the great romances of literature.

Karin Slaughter is one of the great writers of our time. THE LAST WIDOW is a perfect example of her talent. I loved the anticipation of it; I loved the execution of it; I love the remembrance of it.

THE LAST WIDOW is published by William Morrow. It contains 464 pages and sells for $27.99.

Jackie K Cooper

Jackie Cooper

The author Jackie Cooper

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