
Movie Reviews

Movie Reviews

Mr. 3000

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"Mr. 3000" (Touchstone Pictures) Bernie Mac parlays his popularity from the small screen to a larger audience on the big screen in the new sports
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Movie Reviews

Mr. And Mrs. Smith

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"Mr. and Mrs. Smith" (20th Century Fox) Well the movie that created the world of "Brangelina" has finally arrived. Yes "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" made
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Movie Reviews


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"Miracle" (Walt Disney Pictures) Nobody makes feel good movies like Disney does. Recently we had such emotion charged films as "Remember The Titans" and "The
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Movie Reviews


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Mirrors (20th Century Fox) Murky, Messy Movie Nothing that happens in the new Keifer Sutherland film Mirrors makes any sense whatsoever, but it is great
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Movie Reviews

Meet The Fockers

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"Meet the Fockers" (Universal Pictures) The saga of Greg Focker (Ben Stiller) continues in the sequel to "Meet the Parents" which is titled "Meet the
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Movie Reviews

Meet The Robinsons

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"Meet the Robinsons" (Walt Disney Pictures) Too Complex For the Younger Kids I'm not trying to underestimate the reasoning capacity of small children but it
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Movie Reviews

Miss March

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Miss March (Fox Searchlight) Frontrunner For Worst of 2009 Ladies and gentlemen we have a contender. Yes Miss March is well on its way to
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Movie Reviews

Meet The Spartans

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"Meet the Spartans" (20th Century Fox) Ranges From Silly To Boring "Meet the Spartans" is a supposed spoof on the mega-successful film "300." It isn't
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