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“Wild Hogs” (Touchstone Pictures)

Critics Will Hate It, the Bubbas Will Love It

As I was entering my local theater to watch the new John Travolta/Tim Allen comedy “Wild Hogs” someone walked up to me and said, “This is the kind of movie the critics will hate but the Bubbas will love.” Truer words have never been spoken. Still I have to say that as a critic with a bit of the “Bubba” in him, I had a good time.

The movie concerns four friends who are tired of the ruts of their lives. Woody (Travolta) has a wife who has left him, and he is also broke. Doug (Allen) is a dentist who feels alienated from his family and his self-esteem. Bobby (Martin Lawrence) gets no respect at home and is doing a job he hates. Dudley (William H Macy) is a computer programmer who feels like a complete nerd.

When Woody suggests a road trip on their bikes the others sign on. They are on an adventure on the open road, but it takes sort of a serious turn when they come up against a gang of rough bikers who sneer at these “posers,” as they call them.

There is an inevitable conflict between the “Wild Hogs” and the rough guys who are led by a tough guy named Jack (Ray Liotta). It seems the wild hogs can be a little bit brave when pushed to the wall.

Just about everything in the movie is predictable from the “hogs” showing some spunk, to nerdy Dudley finding romance on the road with a lovely lady (Marisa Tomei). The humor in the film is unnecessarily crude, but there are enough laughs distributed throughout the film that all in the audience leave with smiles on their faces.

Travolta and Allen are fine as the two lead members of the group, but the best laughs are saved for Lawrence and Macy. Lawrence can make the most trite line funny, and he does this over and over again in the movie. Macy is the most endearing character and he plays the loveable loser for all it is worth.

The film is rated PG-13 for language and crude humor. It is definitely not a movie for the entire family.

Some movies are so simple and so predictable that they are comfortable. They tell their story in the simplest way and throw in a laugh every now and then to make it all entertaining. “Wild Hogs” is all that, plus it has a stellar cast who help make it all more believable. 

Don’t go expecting a lot and you will find yourself smiling along with the antics of these top stars of Hollywood. It is a little crude, a little predictable, and a little over the top; still it is a perfect movie to watch when you don’t want a depressing drama or the worries of a thriller.

I scored “Wild Hog” a middle of the road 5 out of 10.

©2007 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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