Wanted (Universal Pictures)
Angelina Kicks Butt
Somewhere in another universe women like Angelina Jolie live just like us other mortals. They get food at the grocery store, go out to eat with friends, and shop at the local mall. But in this world they only exist up on the silver screen where they play out roles that leave us bug-eyed with awe. At least such is the case with Jolies new movie Wanted. In this one Angelina is sleek, sexy and kicks butt big time.
In the film we meet a guy named Wesley Gibson. Wesley (James McAvoy) is one of those guys who life has beaten down. He has a dead end job, a cheating girlfriend, and no hope of things getting any better. That is until Fox (Jolie) comes into his life. She sidles up to him in the drugstore where he is picking up his tranquilizers. When she appears a shootout ensues and soon he is being dragged around and shot at by a mysterious man. He ends up in a warehouse where he is told he is destined to be a member of a team of assassins.
The leader of the assassins is Sloan (Morgan Freeman). He explains to Wesley that he has been selected because his father was an assassin, and he was recently killed. The group, including Fox, wants Wesley to avenge his fathers death. But first he has to go through a training program which is brutal to say the least. Still when he graduates he is a different man than he was before.
Wanted is a movie that never takes a breath. It races full throttle from beginning to end. McAvoy is the star of the show as Wesley and Jolie is more of a supporting player as Fox, but her impact is what the movie needs to make it something special. Seeing her driving a car while fighting off enemies is a hoot and what is more enjoyable is she makes it look believable.
The film is rated R for nudity, profanity and violence.
This is not something for the family but for those who like an adult actioner this is the one to see. Jolie and company jump start the summer with a thrilling race against death in this must see movie. In her past few roles Jolie has been playing woman of grace and power. In this one she is a raging animal who loves to hunt and kill.
Leave the kids at home but make sure you see this adrenalin fueled thriller. Wanted is the one you want to see.
I scored Wanted a dead or alive 7 out of 10.