“Unleashed” (Rogue Pictures)
A few years back Jet Li made a film titled “Romeo Must Die.” It was an action movie, but an action movie with heart. It signaled that Li might be attempting more than a crack em up, knock em down type of career. With his new film “Unleashed, ” Li shows this is a true assessment of his career goals.
In his latest film Li plays a young man named “Danny.” He was taken in at an early age by a man named Sam (Bob Hoskins) who raised him more or less as an animal. Danny is kept on a collar and housed in a cage. When Sam wants to intimidate his enemies or persons unwilling to pay his extortion demands, he unleashes Danny. With the collar off Danny becomes a wild man who wounds and maims at his owner’s bequest.
This is all shown in the early minutes of the movie and creates an atmosphere of cruelty and sadistic behavior that is almost unwatchable. But then the movie shifts in tone and action. Danny escapes from Sam and finds his way into the lives of a blind piano tuner (Morgan Freeman) and his stepdaughter (Kerry Condon). They show Danny a completely different side of life and manage to make him more human and more humane.
The climax of the movie comes when these two worlds collide. Can Danny escape from the dark side and go into the light of love and friendship Or will he forever be a sadistic pet tuned to Sam’s evil ways
Jet Li manages to convey the anguish the conflict of these two worlds create in Danny. He does it mostly through his expressions and demeanor rather than through dialogue. It is a sensitive aspect of his performance and shows his growth as an actor. Also still present however is his mastery of the action shots. He is still a whirling dervish of martial arts activity and creates breathtaking battles that hold the audience in awe.
Hoskins is right on target as the ferocious Sam. He manages to make this character as despicable as possible. Freeman and Condon are the perfect balance as the good force that comes into Danny’s life. They play goodness without being gooey and that makes the movie more palatable.
Luc Besson wrote the script and it is carefully constructed to allow the battle between good and evil to be a challenging one. It is nuanced writing of the best kind and makes this a most enjoyable movie experience.
The film is rated R for profanity, violence and brief nudity.
Most action movies give us just that – action; but “Unleashed” is that rare exception as it also gives us a complex storyline full of good and evil characters. Jet Li wants to be more than just an action star, and in “Unleashed” he becomes an actor worthy of respect.
I scored “Unleashed” an uncollared 7 out of 10.