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“Underworld” (Screen Gems)

“Underworld” is a dark, dreary depiction of a war between Vampires and Lycans (werewolves). It aspires to be a unique retelling of the Romeo and Juliet story, but what it presents is a silly, pretentious adventure about a leather clad woman and a man turned hulk. It is aimed at an audience who will swallow anything, and will pride itself on being hip and arty.

Selene (Kate Beckinsale) is a one-woman army. She is a Vampire who can outshoot and outfight any ten men and she knows it. Her sworn enemy is the Lycan, and her goal is to wipe them off the face of the earth (if indeed, this movie takes place on earth. A location is never given.) One day she goes after two Lycan who seemingly are following a human named Michael (Scott Speedman).

Michael is caught up in the battle between the Vampires and Lycans but doesn’t know why. He seems to be some kind of trophy that both sides want. The Lycan leader Lucien (Michael Sheen) bites him and hopes to turn him into a werewolf but the Vampires also have plans for him. In the end he does change but it is into some kind of Hulk creature, green skin and all, who doesn’t look like a vampire or a werewolf.

Selene and Michael do seem to develop some feelings for each other but it is a biting, snarling type of romance. Still when her eyes get that vampire look you have to assume she is feeling passion.

Beckinsale is really slumming in this movie. She was so good and so beautiful in “Pearl Harbor” that seeing her as a pale-faced, stringy haired vampire is a jolt. But she does look good in black leather. Opposite her Speedman is wimpy as Michael. He just doesn’t exude any strength of body or character.

The film is rated R for profanity, violence and gore.

As vampire movies go, this is one of the worst. You seem to be coming into the middle of a story when the movie opens, and when it ends there still seems to be a lot to be done. Maybe this movie is just setting up the sequel. Perish the thought!

This is a movie that gets points for its inventive sets and that is it. The acting and storyline are all second rate.

I scored “Underworld” a down deep 3 out of 10.

©2003 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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