Movie Reviews

Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes To Jail

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Tyler Perrys Madea Goes To Jail (Lionsgate)

Two Movies For the Price of One

Filmmaker Tyler Perry has made Madea a household name and his movies concerning her are among his most popular. Her latest adventures are captured in the new movie Madea Goes To Jail or to be more specific Tyler Perrys Madea Goes To Jail. The title character and the movie are very funny but that is only half the story. There is a subplot that concerns prostitution, drug abuse and redemption and it is not funny at all.

This juxtaposition of the two stories makes for a schizoid reaction on the part of the audience. Is this a comedy or a drama Well in truth it is both or as both as one movie can be. The story of Madea (Tyler Perry) and her run-ins with the law only rarely intrudes on the story of Candy (Keisha Knight Pulliam) and her problems.

Both stories start with a courtroom. Madea is there for taking part in a wild ride evading the police. Candy is there on a prostitution charge. Joshua Hardaway (Derek Luke) is an attorney who has been assigned to Candys case but when he gets to court he recognizes her. The two of them grew up together and have a past. He quickly gets his fianc Linda (Ion Overman) to take her case.

Later Joshua tries to help Candy escape her life on the streets and get cleaned up. He enlists the aid of a woman named Eleanor (Viola Davis). Eleanor has been there and left the streets behind. Now she works to help others.

Meanwhile Madea continues with her wild and wooly ways. Finally she takes one step too many and ends up in prison. The long arm of the law has finally reached out and grabbed her.

Either one of these stories would have made a good movie independently of the other. To have them both unreeling at the same time just adds confusion to a two hour piece of entertainment.

Perry is great as three different characters – Madea, Uncle Joe and Brian, an attorney in the family. He also wrote, produced and directed the film. Is there anything this man cant do Pulliam is best known for playing Little Rudy on The Cosby Show. She is all grown up now and quite a good actress. This role should help her move into more substantial parts.

Davis was a nominee this year for a Best Actress award for her work in Doubt. Her role in this movie does not even scratch the surface of her talent. She only has a few scenes and we never get to really know her character.

The movie is rated PG-13 for excessive profanity and mild violence.

If you can separate the two stories in your head then you can enjoy this film as either a comedy or a drama but it is hard to enjoy it as both. The next time Perry tells a Madea story he needs to concentrate on the fun and let the drama slide.

I scored Tyler Perrys Madea Goes To Jail an imprisoned 5 out of 10.

©2009 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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