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Tron: Legacy (Walt Disney Pictures)

Forget the Plot, Go For the Glitter

Twenty-eight years ago the world was introduced to a world inside a computer in a movie titled Tron. Jeff Bridges and Bruce Boxleitner were the stars and the special effects made the show. The plot, well it was a little difficult to follow. Flash forward to the present and we have Tron: Legacy. This movie also stars Bridges and Boxleitner and it is full of special effects. The plot, once again is difficult to follow.

The lesson from this is that 28 years ago special effects couldnt make a movie a hit when the plot was weak. Today it can. Tron: Legacy is all show and for the computer whizzes among us that is more than enough. It also doesnt hurt that Mr. Bridges star has steadily risen and his career is hotter than ever, while Mr. Boxleitner languishes in relative obscurity.

No problem there. Boxleitners role in the sequel is minimal to say the least and Garrett Hedlund is brought in to be the co-star and to provide appeal to the younger crowd. Hedlund plays Sam Flynn, the son of Kevin Flynn (Bridges). I guess they had to keep Boxleitner around even in a minor role since his character is named Tron inside the computer world.

There is another Kevin in computer world and he is called Clu. He is also played by Bridges but in a computer generated way. He looks like Bridges did twenty-eight years ago. It is a little disconcerting to have the older Bridges and the younger Bridges on screen at the same time but that is just some of Hollywoods magic.

The cast is fine but not exceptional. Olivia Wilde appears as Quorra, an inhabitant of the computer world. With her Wilde eyes she has a sort of mystical look. Michael Sheen appears as Castor, a possible help for Sam and Quorra in reaching a pathway back to the real world. Sheen goes all out in this unique role and plays it as a cross between Joel Grey in Cabaret and Malcolm McDowell in A Clockwork Orange.

The plot is indecipherable. None of it makes a lot of sense other than the fact Sam, Kevin and Quorra are trying to find a way back to the real world. There is a portal that is open but only for a limited time. At one point someone says something like head toward the light, or at least I think they did.

The film is rated PG for mild violence.

Tron: Legacy is a glitter show of special effects and computer generated beings. In that respect it is awesome, but when you add in the murky storyline you have to take points away from its overall entertainment value. If story means something to you, you will be disappointed in this film. If the look is all you care about then go for it. In that way Tron: Legacy shines.

I scored Tron: Legacy a plotless 5 out of 10.

©2010 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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