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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (DreamWorks/Paramount Pictures)

Almost As Good As the First One

The explosions are back; the special effects are back; the humor is back. Combined this makes the second Transformers movie almost as good as the first one. Clocking in at over two hours it had better be good or you are going to be bored for a long time. Luckily this movie moves and it is all over before you know it.

Shia LeBeouf is back as Sam Witwicky, a teenager on his way to his freshman year at college. He is leaving behind his girlfriend Mikaela (Megan Fox). His mother Judy (Julie White) is inconsolable about his leaving while his father Ron (Kevin Dunn) is looking forward to having an empty nest.

Sam is also leaving behind his yellow Camaro which he calls Bee. Bee is an Autobot that has protected Sam in the past. Bee and Mikaela quickly catch up with Sam at college when evil Decepticons come after him.

The plot is not the important thing in a film such as this. Suffice it to say Sam and Mikaela are in the middle of a battle between the good Autobots and the bad Decepticons. This is where all the chases and explosions enter the picture.

LeBeouf is solid as Sam and makes an admirable hero. Josh Duhamel and Tyrese Gibson add macho support to the film as Army soldiers who have battled evil Decepticons in the past. Ramon Rodriguez adds to the comedy portion of the movie as Leo, Sams college roommate, who cant believe what is happening is happening.

Megan Fox, who stole the first film, is negligible in this one. Her face looks painted on and her acting is creepy. She is a beautiful young woman but the heavy makeup detracts big time. This time out Isabel Lucas steals the film with her portrayal of Alice, a college girl who wants Sam for herself.

The real star of the show is the special effects team. We now take a lot for granted when it comes to special effects and we shouldnt. In this movie the transition of the Autobots is amazing. Plus their actions and reactions with the human actors are seamless.

There is a lot of humor in the movie too but unfortunately most of it is done with throwaway lines. You have to listen carefully to hear the zingers that are put out there. That is one good reason why the movie should be seen more than once.

The film is rated PG-13 for profanity, violence and sexual innuendoes.

The one thing this film doesnt have going for it is the element of surprise. You have seen most of the special effects employed here before. You still enjoy them but you arent seeing them for the first time. That keeps the movie from being a little less enjoyable than the first one. Still it is everything a summer blockbuster should be.

I scored Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen a rising 7 out of 10.

©2009 Jackie K. Cooper

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