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“Transformers” (Paramount/DreamWorks)

The Perfect Summer Movie

Tired of sequels, threquels and fourquels Well forget about them. Something new, original and fun has arrived and it is BIG! It is “Transformers,” the perfect summer movie and one of the best films I have seen all year. This is a movie full of things that explode, really special special effects, and a script that incorporates humor and heart. Blend “The Terminator” with “E T” and you have what this movie is all about. 

The central hero of the film is Sam Witwicky (Shia LeBeouf), a high school junior who is on the verge of getting his first car. He wants something sleek and smooth but ends up with something dented and dirty – and special. As he soon learns the car has a mind of its own. That is because it is an Autobot, which means it is a car that can transform into a huge robot looking creature. The Autobots are the good aliens; the Decepticons are the bad guys.

Both groups have been looking for Sam because he has the glasses his great-grandfather was wearing when he went to the Arctic Circle. This relative of Sam’s actually saw a Decepticon but could never convince anyone he did. But his glasses made an imprint of clues that could lead the Autobots or Decepticons to where an energy cube is located. This cube is the secret to power between the two opposing forces.

Before the cube is found there are many, many battles and after the cube is found there is a major battle. The Autobots transform themselves into vehicles while the Decepticons turn into weapons of war such as tanks, helicopters, etc. When they do transform hold on to your seat because it is just too cool for words.

LeBeouf is the star of the movie and rightly so. He has this everyman thing down pat. He can go from awkward and geeky to heroic in nothing flat. When the high school princess (Megan Fox) falls for him it is totally believable. Speaking of Fox, she is a delight in the movie and not just because she looks like a million bucks. Her Mikeala is a girl who isn’t just eye candy. She is a scrappy fighter who goes after the bad aliens with a vengeance.

Josh Duhamel and Tyrese Gibson play soldiers who are caught up in the battle, and Jon Voight plays the Secretary of Defense. Also noteworthy are Kevin Dunn and Julie Smith who play Sam’s parents. They add the humor to the film.

The movie is rated PG-13 for profanity and violence, but you might be able to squeak a ten year old in without danger to his/her psyche. Of course it always depends on the individual child.

“Transformers” is a joy to watch and its two hour and twenty minute running time flies by. It is also a movie you will want to see over and over again. If this one doesn’t clean up at the box office then nothing will this year.

For a mindless, harmless, enjoyable movie treat go see “Transformers.” It isn’t a movie that is going to transform your world but it will turn two plus hours of wasted time into two plus hours of super entertainment.

I scored “Transformers” a changed 8 out of 10.

©2007 Jackie K. Cooper

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