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Traitor (Overture Films)

Good, But Not Quite Great

Don Cheadle is always interesting in his roles, but somehow his movies never get the appreciation they deserve. He was outstanding in Hotel Rwanda but this hard hitting film generated little audience interest. Now comes Traitor, a topical film that has a lot to say about terrorism and our country. Most viewers will enjoy it but they will not let it linger in their minds.

Cheadle plays Samir Horn, an American citizen who is of the Muslim faith. As a child he saw his father killed in a car bomb explosion and that has affected his entire life. When we first meet the adult Samir he is selling weapons to a terrorist group.

In America the FBI is investigating several leads on terrorist plots. Roy Clayton (Guy Pierce) is partnered with Max Archer (Neal McDonough) and they are closing in on Samir. But will they close in quickly enough Samir is working with a group that plans to strike within Americas heartland.

Cheadle is excellent as Samir. His hooded eyes reflect pain that has been inside this character for years. Cheadle is an actor who grabs the audience slowly with his minute mannerisms that are so perfect for the character. Samir is all there, in the way he hesitantly talks; in the way he seems on the verge of tears; in the way he retreats within himself in prayer. Don Cheadle brings it all to the character and the character brings it all to the audience.

Equally good is Pierce as the FBI Agent. Pierce is an Australian actor who can play American perfectly. He is one of the most underrated actors in Hollywood, and one day the right role will shoot him to the heights.

Also good are Jeff Daniels as a member of our government who knows Samir, and Said Taghmaoui as Omar, one of Samirs co-conspirators. Both men are essential to the plot and both actors are convincing in their roles.

The film is rated PG-13 for profanity and violence.

Traitor is a little slow at the start but the down to the wire ending justifies all the elaborate backstory. As the terrorist plot nears fruition the audience is glued to the screen. And in the center of all the action are the two star performances that dominate the show.

Traitor is a movie worth seeing. It might not have the punch of a Marvel Comic movie but it is more realistic and therefore more terrifying.

I scored Traitor a double crossed 6 out of 10.

©2008 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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