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“Torque” (Warner Brothers Pictures)

“Torque” is a fast and furious movie about biker boyz and the women who love them. Knowing this, you know what the movie is all about and won’t be expecting anything more. And if you keep your expectations low you will have a pretty good time with this rough and tumble action flick

The central character in the movie is Cary Ford (Martin Henderson). He has been out of town but comes back to make things right with his old girlfriend Shane (Monet Mazur). But he also has trouble with a local drug dealer named Henry (Matt Schulze) and the leader of a bike gang named Trey (Ice Cube).

As soon as Ford comes back to town both Henry and Trey are after him. This means there are numerous chase sequences on bikes. There is one amazing sequence that involves riding bikes on top of a moving train. How much of that is computer generated and how much is stunt man action is unknown but it all looks real. Whew!

These action sequences are the best part of the movie and the worst aspect of it. They certainly look great and they keep the enthusiasm going and adrenaline pumping from start to finish. But they also show horrific crashes where no one gets hurt. The people in the movie seem to be immune from pain and suffering. They can fall, crash or smash and still walk away with no injuries.

This unreal take on “accidents” sends the wrong message to teens viewing the movie. Kids already think they are invincible and immortal and this kind of movie just feeds into that mindset. In all of the crashes in this film I never saw one person left dead or maimed.

The film is rated PG-13 for profanity and violence.

Henderson is a hunky hero and Mazur is a sexy partner for him. Plus her character can take care of herself even in the tightest spots. Jaimie Pressley has a few good moments as a biker chick named China. Ice Cube is basically Ice Cube but that is good enough for me. I would watch him in anything.

“Torque” is full of excitement and that is what a movie of this type needs to be. As long as you don’t take any of it seriously or any way connected with reality, you can sit back and go with the flow of these fast bikes, fast women and torqued-off men.

I scored “Torque” a bike blasting 5 out of 10.

©2004 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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