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Thor (Paramount Pictures)

Man With the Hammer

Thor has finally arrived and for all the fan boys and girls this is a monumental event. This film sets the stage for all the action hero movies that are to follow Captain America, Green Lantern, etc. The movie is a combination of action, humor and comic book mythology. Some of it works and some of it doesnt.

Thor (Chris Hemsworth) is the son of Odin (Anthony Hopkins). He and his brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston) live in the kingdom of Asgard which is on another planet far, far away. Thos is the heir apparent but he is a brash young man who does not always think wisely. His father decides he needs a lesson in humility so he banishes him to Earth. Now why Earth would be a place for him to learn humility is not explained.

On earth he is discovered by a scientific team made up of Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), Erik Selvig (Stellan Skarsgard) and Darcy Lewis (Kat Dennings). They are in New Mexico studying weather phenomenon. When they find Thor they bring him back to their lab.

Meanwhile Thors hammer has also landed on Earth and is lodged in what looks to be stone. No one can remove it. This brings the Feds to the scene and they in turn confiscate all of Jane and her groups research materials.

Meanwhile back at Asgard. Loki is trying to seize the throne. Odin has fallen under some sort of spell and is possibly dying. Thors buddies come to Earth in order to get Thor to come back with them and save Asgard.

All of this is presented with a bit of humor, but not enough. Director Kenneth Branagh mostly plays it straight, and seriousness doesnt work. Still those who have followed the adventures of Thor need to have his story presented in an orderly fashion.

Hemsworth looks the part of Thor but he doesnt have enough on screen charisma to make the role his own. Maybe he will grow into the role personality wise. Portmans role as Jane is a throwaway one. Any million B list actresses could have played this part. Hopkins is regal as Odin and it is good to see Rene Russo back on the screen as his wife though she has little to do.

The film is rated PG-13 for violence and profanity.

Thor should satisfy the fans who have been anxiously awaiting the release of the movie. Still it doesnt appear it will be the big super hero movie of the summer. If you were to compare it to other movies of this type, it is more like Superman than Iron Man and we all know how those movies stacked up.

Thor is a fun movie. It would have been more enjoyable if it had been a fun nier movie.

I scored Thor a hammered 6 out of 10.

©2011 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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