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The Stepfather (Sony Pictures)

Another Deadly Dad

Step parents sometimes get a raw deal in the way the way they are portrayed in movies and books. But you havent seen anything until you watch this movie where the potential step dad is also a serial killer. Yes in The Stepfather you have moms new boyfriend plotting to do away with the entire family. 

The film starts with an average looking man preparing for his day. He showers, shaves, puts in a new color of contact lenses, and dresses for the day. As he fixes his breakfast the camera pans back to show the bodies of his family crumpled on the floor. It is a jarring start to a highly suspenseful film. 

The next time we see this man he has taken the name of David Harris (Dylan Walsh) and is shopping at a grocery store. By accidednt he meets recently divorced Susan Harding (Sela Ward). She has three children, the oldest of which is Michael (Penn Badgley). He has just returned home from military school and hopes to finish his senior year of high school at home. His girlfriend Kelly (Amber Heard) hopes so too.

After David moves in with his mother, Michael has his suspicions about him but cant quite put his finger on anything specific. His mother seems happy so he tries to accept him and make the best of the situation. Soon however his father (Jon Tenney) is also suspicious and this leads to trouble.

The best thing about The Stepfather is Walshs performance. He is an actor who has always played the good guy so this role is quite a change of pace for him. He gives David just the right creepy edge and his eyes are like stones. They show no emotion or warmth.

Badgley is also good as the suspicious son, but he is just too old looking to be a high school junior. The same is true for Heard. Since both of these actors are twenty three it is quite a stretch for them to be playing sixteen or seventeen. Badgley is a good actor but this is just the wrong role for him.

Ward has always been one of my favorite actresses but as Susan she just walks through the part. She never seems concerned about anything and when she discovers the truth it doesnt seem to affect her that much. Plus her face looks botoxed to the nth degree. She was prettier with a more natural look.

The film is rated PG-13 for violence and profanity.

The Stepfather builds its suspense slowly as the movie progresses. That is why it is a disappointment when the ending feels rushed. A little more depth and explanation at the end would have made for a better film. Still Walsh makes the movie one worth watching, if not one to rave about.

I scored The Stepfather a familial 5 out of 10.

©2009 Jackie K. Cooper

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