The Spy Next Door (Lionsgate)
Jackie Chan Is the Man
Jackie Chan has long been a favorite of American audiences. His martial arts skills as well as his limber and athletic body have helped him create scenes of daring that can not be duplicated. He has made many action films and now has created one that is aimed at the entire family. Its title is The Spy Next Door and it is predictable in the extreme but still fun for the kids.
Chan plays Bob Ho, a Chinese spy on loan to the CIA. He lives next door to an attractive divorce (Amber Valetta) and her three children. Gillian loves Bob but she stresses to him that her children come first, and they are not crazy about Bob. Bob decides that he will win them over in any way he can.
When Gillians father gets sick he volunteers to baby sit the kids. This seems to be fine with the littlest child Nora (Alina Foley). The other two, Farren and Ian (Madeline Carroll and Will Shadley) are not as easy.
Bob has not had a chance to tell Gillian he is a spy and so she has no idea her children might be in danger. But when Bob gets drawn into a caper involving deadly Russian criminals the kids end up in the thick of it. Didnt you just know that was where it was going
This is a good role for Chan. He gets to be warm, loving and comedic. Also putting him in a line up of stars which includes George Lopez and Billy Ray Cyrus makes him look like an Oscar caliber actor. He outshines them easily. It should be noted however that Chans stunts look heavy choreographed this time around. What used to appear to be spontaneous now just look rehearsed.
Valetta makes for a good love interest. She is believable in being in love with him and that is all her part requires. That and to be pretty. Cyrus plays one of Bobs co-spies and he is just Billy Ray Cyrus playing a spy. Still you have to admire how this guy has extended his fifteen minutes of fame.
The kids are good, especially Carroll. She displays talent in her scenes of vulnerability. Foley however is just too cute and wears out her welcome a few minutes into the film. Shadley has a few moments in the film where you enjoy him.
The film is rated PG for violence.
Overall kids should enjoy this movie, while adults will be able to tolerate it. It isnt anything great but it is passable. Make sure you stay for the outtakes at the end of the movie as they give some of the biggest laughs.
I scored The Spy Next Door a neighborly 5 out of 10.