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The Soloist (DreamWorks Pictures)

The Acting Lifts It Up

Robert Downey, Jr. and Jamie Foxx co-star in the new film The Soloist and they are both brilliant in their respective roles. They bring to life the true story of a newspaper columnist and a gifted musician who also happens to be schizophrenic. The movie is impressive, instructive and inspiring.

Downey plays Steve Lopez, a columnist for the LA Times. One day he is in one of the city parks and meets Nathaniel Ayers (Foxx), a homeless man who is playing a violin with only two strings. Even with a damaged instrument Ayers is able to make wonderful music.

Lopez begins to write about Ayers in his columns and his stories touch the hearts of the public. Lopez wants to get Ayers on medication for his illness and also to get him off the streets. He even visualizes a one man concert at the Disney Center. But Ayers problems are severe and changing his life is an uphill struggle.

The beauty of the film is in the two lead performances. Each man raises the level of the game for the other. Downey appears to act with his heart while Foxxs performance is more cerebral, but both are impressive.

Catherine Keener also adds to the enjoyment and believability of the movie. She plays Lopez ex-wife and his boss at the newspaper. Keener is one of those actresses who just become the character she is playing. With a few gestures and the intensity in her eyes she lets you know everything about the character you need to know. 

The film is rated PG-13 for profanity and violence. The language is pretty strong for a movie with this rating.

Because the movie is based on a true story the events stay grounded. It is a story that embraces the characters but keeps them human and flawed. You might wish for a miracle to happen but that is not what this movie is about.

It is early in the year for this strong a drama to make an impression. Rarely do awards nominations go back so far, but Downey, Foxx and Keener should be remembered. They are that good, and so is the movie. 

I scored The Soloist a musical 7 out of 10.

©2009 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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