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“The Simpsons Movie” (20th Century Fox)

I Had A Cow!

“The Simpsons” TV show has been running for an eternity. Something like seventeen or eighteen years. That proves there is an audience for the type of humor incorporated in that show. People have described it as raucous, quirky and offbeat, but to me it is infantile, dull and amateurish. I just don’t get it but then I don’t get “Family Guy" or “King of the Hill” either. Therefore it was no surprise I didn’t like “The Simpsons Movie.”

“The Simpsons Movie” is just one loooong episode of the TV show. It has Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Baby Maggie involved in a series of adventures. The basic premise is that Homer pollutes the lake that is close to Springfield. The EPA responds by putting a dome over the entire city. The Simpsons escape to Alaska but return in time for Homer to save the day.

That is it. That is all there is. Oh yes, they do sprinkle in a few subplots but nothing that adds or detracts from this basic story. And for this sketchy cartoon you are supposed to plunk down some big bucks and be entertained. Well I wasn’t.

In the audience when I watched the movie the only person laughing was a six-year-old kid. Everyone else just sat silent from beginning to end. But after the movie was over and I was walking out of the theater I heard people all around me commenting on how funny the movie was. Don’t people laugh when something is funny Isn’t sitting silently an indication something is not funny

The movie is rated PG-13 for profanity, comic nudity and mild violence.

There has to be something about “The Simpsons” that I am missing. The truth however is I don’t care enough to search for it. I will continue to avoid it on television, and I will not recommend the movie to anyone. I can appreciate an animated film. I was crazy about “Aladdin” and the first two “Shreks.” So there.

People who love “The Simpsons” TV show are going to love “The Simpsons Movie.” However if you are not a fan going in, I don’t think you are going to be converted to the cause. The movie is only eighty-seven minutes long but it seemed endless. Hey Bart, I had a cow!

I scored “The Simpsons Movie” a pink doughnut 3 out of 10.

©2007 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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