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“The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising” (20th Century Fox)

A Teenager Saves The World

Just when you think all teenagers in movies are worthless and out only for themselves, along comes “The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising” wherein a fourteen year old boy tries to save the world. It’s a fantasy film full of demons and other scary inhabitants but the teenager is the one who carries the day.

Will Stanton (Alexander Ludwig) is living in England with his family. He has a father, mother, five brothers and a sister; and it seems he is low man on the totem pole. His life is very ordinary until he is contacted by a group of people who tell him he is the chosen one to do battle against the “dark” forces.

The dark forces are led by an evil man (Christopher Eccleston) who rides around on horseback terrorizing the countryside. Will has to find six “secrets” or the world will be lost. There are some clues to what they are but mostly he has to depend on his own intelligence and initiative.

The movie has an okay plot and the stars are capable in their roles but something is lacking. The dangers in the plot just don’t seem to be too terrible and the chills that should ensue never do. You are pulling for Will Stanton but it isn’t with the urgency that should be there.

There is a subplot of sorts featuring Amelia Warner as a girl named Maggie. Will has a crush on Maggie and she seems to like him, but one of his brothers butts in and steals her away. Still she keeps coming back to talk to Will and find out about his quest.

The film is rated PG for mild violence and scary images.

This film appears to be trying to draw in the “Lord of the Rings” crowd but I doubt it will do so. This movie is too slowly paced, the acting isn’t dynamic enough, and the plot itself just doesn’t grab you like it should. It is a ho-hum adventure that will play better on DVD than at the local movie theaters.

It is good to see a teen being the hero but that alone is not enough to make a movie worth its time and cost. Much more is needed to draw us in and entertain us.

I scored “The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising” a setting 4 out of 10.

©2007 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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