The Secret Life of Bees (Fox Searchlight)
The Buzz On This One Is Good
The Secret Life of Bees takes a good story by Sue Monk Kidd and makes an even better movie out of the material. It is a film that lets its plot slowly evolve as it develops its characters slowly but surely. By movies end all the pieces of the puzzle are in place and the audience leaves the theater feeling totally satisfied.
The plot centers on Lily Owens (Dakota Fanning). She lives with her father (Paul Bettany) and is haunted by the fact she killed her mother in an accident when she was four years old. Her best friend is Rosaleen (Jennifer Hudson), a black woman who takes care of her.
One day there is an incident involving Rosaleen and Lily decides it is best if they run away. The two head to the town of Tiburon where Lily thinks her mother once lived. They end up staying with three black women named May, June and August Boatwright. The Boatwright women are honey makers.
May (Sophie Okonedo) is the most fragile of the sisters. She seems to have taken all the hurt and horror of the world into her soul. When anything bad happens May absorbs it and is inconsolable for a while.
June (Alicia Keyes) is the most artistic and independent sister. She is the only one who does not welcome Lily and Rosaleen into the family with open arms. She lets her hostility be known as she thinks Lily will only bring trouble to the family.
August (Queen Latifah) is the matriarch of this family, though she is actually only the older sister. She is the brains behind the honey operation and she keeps the family balanced. She also proves to be the missing link between Lily and her mother.
The casting in this movie is almost perfect. Each of the actors selected for a role plays that role to perfection. Fanning is making the transition from child star to teen actress and this is the right role to help move her career along. She is both delicate and strong as Lily.
Latifah has never been more loving or maternal than she is as August. She grounds the movie with her serenity and natural calmness. The role requires Latifah to be more of a presence than a personality and she delivers the perfect mindset for the role.
As June, Alicia Keyes is beyond cool. She delivers a frosty exterior that hides a warm and loving heart. The fact she is also breathtakingly beautiful doesnt hurt either. This is a woman who is going to emerge as a very important actress.
Jennifer Hudson has the least to do as Rosaleen but she does what is asked of her with skill. She inhabits the role and makes the acting part look easy but it isnt. Since Rosaleen is more an observer in much of the story Hudson has to be convincing with very few scenes to help her along.
The best actress in the movie is Okonedo who plays the heartbreaking May. With some actresses this role could have become a caricature, but Okonedo makes May a tender figure who lives in a world no one else can reach. It is a brilliant performance and one that should be remembered come awards season.
The film is rated PG-13 for profanity and violence.
The Secret Life of Bees is a movie to savor. It is rich in plot and performances, and is a movie to be enjoyed and appreciated.
I scored The Secret Life of Bees a buzzing 8 out of 10.