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“The Ring Two” (DreamWorks)

“The Ring Two” is proof of the theory that most sequels are bad ideas. This movie is a jumbled mess that is completely confusing if you haven’t seen the first film. And even if you have, this second installment is a major letdown. Most of the chills and thrills the first one generated have been watered down in this sloppy follow-up. Let’s hope this story is over and done with.

Once again Rachel Keller (Naomi Watts) is the central figure. This time out she and her son Aiden (David Dorfman) have moved to a mall town in Oregon. But once again murder moves with them. They have only been in town a short time when they learn of a murder where the body is frozen in a horrified scream. It seems the evil Samara has climbed out of the well and out of the TV screen to come hunting and haunting once more.

Samara quickly moves to possess Aiden and soon he is causing the deer and the antelope to quit playing and start attacking. Okay, maybe the antelope don’t attack but the deer sure do. Why do they do it and not other animals Well that is never explained.

This is the kind of movie that has mothers killing their children because they hear voices telling them to do it. Now that is a scary thought, that some sick mind will see a movie like this one and say –see, those are the same kind of voices I’m hearing.

There are some good actors in this film in addition to Watts and Dorfman. Simon Baker, Elizabeth Perkins and Gary Cole have small roles. Even “Carrie” herself, Sissy Spacek, comes in for a few creepy moments as Samara’s mom. 

The film is rated PG-13 for profanity and violence.

The first “Ring” movie surprised everyone and was a sleeper hit. This sequel will make money because of the success of the first one. But once word of mouth hits, the potential audience for this film will dry up. Naomi Watts has a reputation as a fine actress but she is not a big enough “name” to draw people in when the product is this bad.

“The Ring Two” is a waste of time and effort. Rent the original and leave this rip-off sequel alone.

I scored “The Ring Two” a ring, ring 3 out of 10.

©2005 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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