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“The Reaping” (Warner Brothers Pictures)

A Plague On Us All

Hilary Swank has won two Oscars and she is still working her little acting soul out even when in only moderately entertaining movies such as “The Reaping.” This film about Biblical plagues and lost faith heroines is full of good special effects and acting, but it gets a little bogged down in its good versus evil plot and that’s the name of that tune.

Swank plays Katherine Winter, an ordained minister who lost her faith when her husband and daughter were murdered. Now she goes around the world debunking so called miracles. She is usually accompanied on these trips by her assistant and best friend Ben (Idris Elba).

One day she is contacted by a science teacher named Doug (David Morrissey). He lives in the small town of Haven, Louisiana. He tells Katherine there is a twelve-year-old girl there who is suspected of killing her half brother. He also tells her the river at the edge of the town has turned blood red. Doug says many of the people there suspect it is the beginning of some Biblical type plague.

Katherine goes to Haven, accompanied by Ben, and tests the water that is red. She also witnesses more plagues such as frogs falling from heaven, poisoned livestock, and a massive attack of locusts. She also sees the little girl in question. Her name is Loren McConnell (AnnaSophia Robb).

Katherine gets caught up in the perils of the town even though it is soon a sure thing that her own life might be in danger. Still she is determined to get to the bottom of it all, and she does. But the resolution comes with a price that is somewhat reminiscent of “Rosemary’s Baby.”

Swank is very good as Katherine. She is intelligent acting even when she is parading around in what looks like a petticoat. Elba makes a fine companion for her performance. Morrissey however doesn’t seem to know who his character is or what he is supposed to be doing. He is the weakest link in the film. Robb doesn’t have much to do except stand around looking evil, or is that serene

The movie is rated R for profanity and violence. This is a pretty restrictive rating for a film that is only mildly profane or violent.

“The Reaping” will appeal to people who liked “The Omen” and to some degree “The Exorcist.” It isn’t as flashy or dramatic but it still manages to be somewhat entertaining and engrossing. Swank is always worth watching and because of her so is this movie.

I scored “The Reaping” a plagued 5 out of 10.

©2007 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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