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The Losers (Warner Brothers)

Losers, I Barely Knew Ya’

The Losers is that rare kind of movie that if there is a sequel, and I doubt there is, it will probably be better than the original. That is because you barely get to know the characters in the film before it is over and really only get to know them during the credits. In a sequel you would already have that identification and loyalty established and the dangers to them in a second plot would mean more.

What you do learn in this film is that there is a group of soldiers who are on a mission for the CIA. The group includes the leader Clay (Jeffery Dean Morgan), the electronics guy Jensen (Chris Evans), the second in command Roque (Idris Elba), the sharpshooter Cougar (Oscar Jaenada) and the machinery guy .Pooch (Columbus Short). When their mission in Bolivia goes sour the group is on the run.

A mysterious woman named Aisha (Zoe Saldana) offers them a chance to get revenge on the man who had tried to kill them. His name is Max (Jason Patric) and he is one crazy dude. The group accepts the offer and the rest of the film is all about trying to get Mad Max.

The action in the film is continuous and the excitement is intense. Still there is something just a bit off with the whole plot, look and feel of the film. The basic likeability of the characters remains elusive until the very end of the film. Before that the audience is pretty much indifferent to them and their problems.

Morgan is okay as the lead but he shows no personality or warmth, and we all know he can do personality and warmth a la Denny in Greys Anatomy. Evans is the wise guy in the group and he is annoying for most of the film. Short plays the family man and that doesnt really mean anything until the closing credits. Elba is strong enough to be the lead but he has to tone it down as he is playing the second lead. Jaenada plays the, well I dont know who he is supposed to be.

Saldana seems to be in every other movie out of Hollywood these days. In this one she doesnt disappoint. She is sexy and sultry from start to finish. Plus she can take care of herself in the action sequences. If there is one major asset in the film it is her.

The movie is rated PG-13 for profanity and violence (it all seemed R like to me).

The Losers is not a loser of a movie but it definitely could have been better. Maybe next time, if there is a next time, it will be. Still even this time out it is worth seeing for all the fights and explosions. It is everything an action film should be but it never excels in any one area.

I scored The Losers a winning 6 out of 10.

©2010 Jackie K. Cooper

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