
Review overview

Rating 2


2 tech score

The Lobster
Colin Farrell and Rachel Weisz in “The Lobster”; photo courtesy of A24

“The Lobster (A24)

There are some movies that are quirky, inventive and lovable; which is what “The Lobster”, a new film from Greek director Yorgos Lanthimos, aspires to be. It is set in the near future in a place that is never completely designated, with characters who are out of the ordinary to say the least. The plot is stunning in its daring and the reception from critics and film festivals alike has been glowing.

Now I am a southerner by birth and we like our lobsters just fine. They are tasty and a real treat for most of our palates. The funny thing is I never saw a lobster in “The Lobster”. Oh it gets talked about a good bit because this movie is about people who either find a romantic partner or they are turned into a creature of their choice. The lead man in this story says he would choose to be a lobster.

The lead man’s name is David and he is played by Colin Farrell, an actor of some talent and range. David has come to the “hotel” where he will live for forty five days while he is searching for a romantic and compatible partner. People who don’t have a partner and don’t want to take part in this exercise live in the woods and are called “loners”.

People in the “hotel” like to go out in the woods and try to capture loners. If they do then they get some extra days added on to their limit for finding a partner. If you are a loner then you can’t fall in love because that is against their rules and the consequences for falling in love while a loner are deadly.

All of this information falls out of the story in a leisurely manner. David arrives at the hotel and is briefed on the rules. He also makes his decision to be turned into a lobster if he can’t find a partner. None of this seems to shake him. He even seems genial to a fault as he goes through his days. The audience also feels entertained by the film for the first thirty minutes or so. Most will find it silly but intriguing.

After a while, however, your mind stops being impressed by the originality of the story and begins to realize this is one of the most stupid movies you have ever seen. These people on the screen are insane and the plot is ludicrous to the extreme. People turning into creatures, others being mutilated, this isn’t art it is madness.

Somehow actors such as Farrell, Rachel Weisz, John C. Reilly, Ben Whishaw and others got talked into participating in this fiasco. Their participation helps induce audiences to attend showings of this movie. There should be someone standing outside the ticket booth shouting “Stay away!”

This film is like “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” If you tell people the emperor is wearing beautiful; clothes and you get people of influence to support your claim then the masses will admire the clothes he is wearing even though he is buck naked. Listen to me people “The Lobster” is not a great movie and the emperor is naked.

The movie is rated R for profanity, violence and sexual situations.

No doubt you will hear others hurling compliments at “The Lobster” for being so out there, and so inventive. Shut your ears and walk away. It is just a silly movie with a dumb plot. Okay the acting is pretty good.

I scored “The Lobster” a crabby 2 out of 10.

The author

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