“The Italian Job” (Paramount Pictures)
Hollywood seems to be going through a “re-make” craze. Strangely enough Mark Wahlberg’s last two films have been in that vein. He made the disastrous “The Trouble With Charlie” which was a re-make of “Charade”; and now he is in “The Italian Job” which is a re-make of a 1969 Michael Caine movie of the same name. This time the results are much better.
In “The Italian Job” Wahlberg plays Charlie Crocker, the head of a gang of thieves who are planning to rob a vaultful of gold from a building in Venice. The caper goes off without a hitch and soon the gang is on the road with the gold in their possession. But something goes wrong – something always go wrong – and one of their own turns against them and steals the gold for himself.
The rest of the film concerns getting revenge on the turncoat member of the gang. Charlie brings in Stella (Charlize Theron) as an addition to the gang. They concoct a plan whereby they can steal the gold back and still humiliate the turncoat.
The members of the gang include Steve (Edward Norton), Lyle (Seth Green), Handsome Rob (Jason Statham), Left-Ear (Mos Def), and the old timer John (Donald Sutherland). Each of these characters are essential to the story and each of these actors adds something special to their portrayal.
Wahlberg makes for a charming leading man. He has a breezy air about him that he has not shown in previous movies. Charlize Theron, looking good, Charlize, is a bright spot of femininity in a very macho movie. Norton is as unique acting as ever, while Seth Green brings a comic element to the story which is fun in every way. It would be easy to claim that Seth steals the show.
The movie is rated PG-13 for violence and profanity.
In this summer of sequels and blockbusters a movie like “The Italian Job” could get lost in the shuffle. That shouldn’t happen. This movie has a lot going for it, provided you can accept the premise that the bad guys are the good guys. This “bad luck gang” populates a wonderful story where the heists are amazing, the jokes are truly funny, and the adventure is intriguing. In short, this movie works in every way.
Put some fun in your life and go to see “The Italian Job.” It is enjoyable entertainment in any language.
I scored “The Italian Job” an arriverdeci 7 out of 10.