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The Forbidden Kingdom (Lionsgate)

Jackie Chan and Jet Li Who Needs More

The Forbidden Kingdom marks the first time pairing of martial arts giants Jackie Chan and Jet Li. When you have these two co-starring in an exciting adventure, what more can you want Well in this movie you also get amazingly choreographed action sequences, beautiful photography, lush scenery, and a believable young hero played by Michael Angarano. It all fits into a total package of great movie entertainment.

The plot is a little complex but it all has to do with Jason Tripitikas (Angarano) living in South Boston in the present time. He has befriended an elderly storekeeper by the name of Old Hop (Chan). When the store is robbed Old Hop is shot and Jason rushes to his aid. Old Hop gives him a rod that he says must be returned to its rightful owner.

Rushing away from the scene of the crime Jason falls off the roof and lands in China. There he teams up with a drunken warrior named Lu Yan (Chan again), a silent monk (Li) and a young girl named Sparrow (Liu Yifei). They fight their way to the forbidden kingdom where the Monkey King (Li again) is being imprisoned.

The scenes featuring both Chan and Li are wonderful. These two men are masters of their art and make movie magic. They also handle the acting requirements adequately. Angarano is perfect as Jason, and his transformation from a gawky kid into a fighting warrior is fun to watch and also believable. The message here is that Chan and Li can make anyone into a warrior.

Ever since men and women sailed through the air to do battle in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, the movies using China as a backdrop have been on the rise. There is a beauty to these films that cannot be described. It is poetic and transporting.

The movie is rated PG-13 for violence.

Though not explained, the characters in the movie speak English. This makes it easier for American audiences to enjoy. It also makes it possible for Jason to communicate with his Chinese friends.

Angarano is an asset as the American boy on a mission, but it is Chan and Li who make the movie work. When you make a movie of this type you want one of them involved. Having both is icing on the cake.

The Forbidden Kingdom is a fun film that will hold the interest of anyone who likes action movies with some beauty added to the mix.

I scored The Forbidden Kingdom a regal 7 out of 10.

©2008 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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