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“Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines” (Warner Brothers)

The third segment in the “Terminator” series of films has arrived and there is no sign of a letdown in the quality or entertainment or the quantity of action events. “Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines” starts up a few years after the second one left off and moves on with a rush.

John Connor (Nick Stahl replacing Edward Furlong) is still the central character. He knows that it is his destiny to save the planet so to speak, but he is trying to avoid that duty. A “terminator,” or more appropriately a “terminatrix,” (Kristanna Loken) arrives from the future with his destruction on her robotic brain.

Shortly after she arrives another “terminator” appears. This one, played by Arnold Schwarzenegger, is programmed to protect John Connor. He also must protect Kate Brewster (Claire Danes) who will have an important role in the future.

The fireworks start almost immediately and the film is a roller coaster ride from beginning to end. The film looks as if it cost a trillion dollars to make and nothing seems to have been scrimped from making this one an action powerhouse.

There is a good bit of humor in the film and just about all of it works. Arnold gets to utter some signature lines such as “Ahm bock!” and this brings a roar from the audience. He also appears to be in the same tip top physical condition he was when we last saw him in “Terminator 2.”

Loken is a solid addition to the cast and makes her “terminatrix” an ultra mean, sexy machine. This “terminatrix” can change shapes and more. She is a lot like the “terminator” played by Robert Patrick in “T2” but with many more powers. When she and Arnold do battle she tosses him around as much as he tosses her – and it is all believable.

Stahl and Danes don’t add much to the film. But they are the ones to be protected so they don’t have to be gung-ho soldiers. If you thought Danes was taking over the Linda Hamilton role think again. And by the way, the presence of Ms Hamilton is missed.

The film is rated R for violence, profanity and nudity.

If you crave excitement and thrills then this is the movie for you. In a summer of slightly subpar sequels this one rules. Arnold is back and he brought a lot of excitement with him. Now bring on “T4”!!!

I scored “Terminator 3: Rose of the Machines” an endless 8 out of 10.

©2003 Jackie K. Cooper

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