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“Team America: World Police” (Paramount Pictures)

“Team America: World Police” is a movie created by Matt Stone and Trey Parker, and it stars puppets in all the roles. This politically satirical film proves once and for all that if you use enough four letter words, have graphic sexual situations – even if they involve puppets, and throw in some political jargon; then someone is going to call you brilliant. But for most of America the movie will be as wooden-headed as its stars.

The Team America of “Team America” is a group of terrorist fighters who roam the world seeking to keep freedom intact. Sometimes they are overzealous and blow up some things like the Eiffel Tower or the Great Sphinx, but hey their hearts are in the right place.

For one particular mission they enlist the help of an actor named Gary. Gary can sing, act and bluff his way through any situation. The other members of the team, except for Chris welcome him with open arms. Chris has his own reason for not liking actors.

The movie presents these situations with gusto and skewers the left and the right side of politics with equal fervor. Okay, maybe the left gets it a little harder. Alec Baldwin is particularly hard hit as the head of the Film Actors Guild. Michael Moore also comes in for his share of abuse too.

The film is rated R for profanity, violence and sexual situations.

The problem with the movie is that it is so obscene. The humor gets hidden by the shock value of so many four letter words and smutty jokes. Plus the novelty of seeing puppets in lead roles gets tiresome fairly early on in the film.

If you like the “South Park” brand of humor you might enjoy this movie, but chances are even you will get tired of its relentless obscenities and smirking satire. There may be a few good jokes lurking within the murky storyline, but most people will give up and tune out rather than stick with the grossness of the presentation.

I scored “Team America: World Police” a wooden headed 3 out of 10.

©2004 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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