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Take Me Home Tonight (Relativity Media)

Take Me Out of This Theater Now

Take Me Home Tonight is one of those movies that is so bad it is offensive. Set in the eighties this film offers a tale of lost love that takes us to a place where the drugs flow freely, the sex is casual, and parents think stealing a car is funny. Was that your eighties experience if you had one

The film focuses on Matt Franklin (Topher Grace). He is an MIT graduate but doesnt know what he wants to do with his life. He has spent his time since graduating from college working at a video store. One day his dream girl from high school, Tori (Teresa Palmer) walks into the store. He acts as if he is just picking up a video, then tells her he is working at Goldman Sachs. She asks if he is coming to the big party in their town that night.

Matt decides to go for it and go to the party. He is accompanied by his best friend Barry (Dan Fogler) and his twin sister Wendy (Anna Farris). On the way to the party they stop by the car dealership from which Barry has just been fired. He goes into the closed dealership, steals some keys as well as a new sports car. Matt and Barry drive this car to the party. Theres nothing like a little casual theft to get the party going.

The party is a wild orgy of sex, drugs and rock and roll. Matt meets up with Tori, Barry gets involved with an older woman (Angie Everhart), and Wendy gets a marriage proposal from her boyfriend Kyle (Chris Pratt). And on and on it goes.

Grace is okay as Matt, the loser from college. Fogler is over the top frenetic as Barry. Palmer is a bland blonde as Tori. And Farris shows some sparks of energy as Wendy. Everharts cameo appearance is just an embarrassment for her and the audience.

The film is rated R for profanity, nudity, violence and sexual situations.

This poor excuse for a movie comes off as a poor mans version of American Pie. Everybody connected with it deserves something better, or maybe not. If they were dumb enough to sign on for this monstrosity then they deserve what they get.

Take Me Home Tonight is on a fast track to DVD status. It wont be able to gain any traction in theaters with its unlikable characters and meandering plot. The only redeeming feature is its eighties soundtrack. Now that I did like.

I scored Take Me Home Tonight an unaccompanied 3 out of 10.

©2011 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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