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Super 8 (Paramount Pictures)

A Super Movie

Super 8 is a collaborative effort by Director JJ Abrams and Producer Steven Speilberg. It presents a story of a time in the past when kids roamed their towns freely and without fear, much in the manner of the kids in E. T. But just as in that film, there is something mysterious occurring here and the kids stumble on to it. This makes for the fun and excitement of the film and renders it a more than average entertaining movie.

The film starts with a death. Joe Lamb (Joel Courtney) is the only son of Sheriffs Deputy Jackson Lamb (Kyle Chandler). Joes mother and Kyles wife has been killed in an accident at the plant where she works. Jackson is overcome with grief and doesnt know where to begin to be a parent to Joe. 

Six months later Joe and Jackson are still grieving but have worked out an arrangement by which they survive. Joe has his friends Cary (Ryan Lee), Preston (Zach Mills), Charles (Riley Griffiths) and Martin (Gabriel Basso). They are working on a movie about zombies which is being shot on a super 8 camera. Unknown to Joe, Charles has invited Alice (Elle Fanning) to join the cast.

Late one night they all sneak out from their homes and drive to the town train depot to shoot a crucial scene. While shooting it a train crash occurs and the kids are almost killed. From this point on things get really mysterious in the town with the Air Force arriving to take over the scen. The head Air Force officer, Nelec (Noah Emmerich) clamps a lid over everything.

When animals and then people start missing Jackson goes into full assertive mode. He knows something is wrong and he intends to find out what it is in order to protect his son and his town. In his gut he knows that everyone in the area is in danger.

The movie relies on the plot being a complete surprise to viewers. For this reason the trailers were not very informative and the cast has been cautioned not to give away plot points. Having each twist and turn be a surprise is what keeps the audience enthralled.

The young cast is letter perfect with Courtney and Fanning being at the head of the class. Their scenes together are the best in the film. Chandler is emotionally appealing as the dismayed father and Emmerich is stern and aloof as the officer in charge.

The movie is rated PG-13 for profanity and violence. The film could have had much broader appeal if the young actors did not use so much profanity. There are still parents in the country today who do not want their children to hear other children swearing. 

Super 8 is one of the most entertaining movies we have been offered in some time. It is engrossing, charming and appealing. Its scary moments are not that scary and its emotional scenes go straight to the viewers hearts.

I scored Super 8 a super 8 out of 10.

©2011 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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