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“Strange Wilderness” (Paramount Pictures)

Bad Doesn’t Describe It!

Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner! Only a couple of months into the new year and we already have the worst movie of the year. It is highly unlikely any film will open later this year that will match the amateurishness of “Strange Wilderness.” This film hits new highs of low humor. It is lewd, crude and dull. Its ninety minute running length seems endless and its cast is totally stupid acting.

The plot involves a nature show that has fallen on hard times and low ratings. The host/producer is Peter Gaulke (Steve Zahn) and he inherited the show from his dad. He has none of his father’s know how or talent. The material he gathers is crude and stupid even for an audience at three AM which is when “Strange Wilderness” airs.

Desperate to bring up the ratings Peter goes bananas when a friend, Bill Calhoun (Joe Don Baker), tells him he knows where “Bigfoot” is located. Peter enters into a race against Sky Pierson (Harry Hamlin), another TV personality who wants the “Bigfoot” footage.

Peter and his entourage head to South America. There they meet a guide named Dick (Blake Clark) who introduces them to a man who knows the country like the back of his hand. His name is Gus Hayden (Robert Patrick). But Gus is one strange wilderness man.

Of course the group eventually finds “Bigfoot” and this leads to a silly ending. By that time you don’t care, all you want it to do is end. You are sick of Steve Zahn; you are sick of everyone else in the cast; and you are even sick of “Bigfoot.”

The million dollar question is “how did this movie get made” It is a Happy Madison Production so Adam Sandler was somehow involved. And shame on him! That is probably why people such as Blake Clark, Jeff Garlin and Justin Long were persuaded to appear.

The film is rated R for profanity, nudity and violence.

Steve Zahn had a breakthrough role last year in the movie “Rescue Dawn.” There was even talk of a possible Oscar nomination. Well this role eliminates his being taken seriously as an actor for some time to come. 

It is also sad that someone as talented as Georgia’s own Blake Clark lets friendship lead him into this dung pit of a film. He is a funny man – but not in this movie.

Amateurish, crude, nauseating – what more can I say “Strange Wilderness” is the nadir of movie entertainment.

I scored “Strange Wilderness” a believe it or not 2 out of 10.

©2008 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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