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Star Trek (Paramount Pictures)

Everything Old Is New Again

Just when you thought the Star Trek franchise had squeezed every possible dollar out of its audience, and any new creation using these characters would be gone in sixty seconds; along comes JJ Abrams concept of Star Trek and suddenly everything old is new again and worth watching. Yes, Abrams and company are geniuses for making this new film feel fresh, fun and exciting. They prove once again that any classic story can be presented in a relevant and refreshing way if the talent behind the scenes is there.

The new film goes back to the future in the Star Trek story and gives an alternate universe type of tale to show the origins of Kirk, Spock and friends. It starts with a battle between a Romulan named Nero (Eric Bana) and the Starship Kelvin. This is the ship on which George Kirk (Chris Hemsworth) serves. His wife Winona (Jennifer Morrison) is also on board this ship and she is pregnant with their son Jim.

When Jim (Chris Pine) grows up he applies to serve in the Starfleet. He meets his future fellow officers of the Enterprise. They are Bones (Keith Urban), Uhura (Zoe Saldana), Spock (Zachary Quinto), Sulu (John Cho), and Chekov (Anton Yelchin). Later he meets up with Scotty (Simon Pegg). So it is Hail! Hail! the gangs all here.

The movie tips its hat to the old franchise with a cameo appearance by Leonard Nimoy and the inclusion of some well known phrases. But it goes down its own road due to the alternate universe theory which frees it up to travel its own path. This should satisfy the purists who would nit-pick any slight or omission to death.

Abrams keeps the movie on a fast pace and enhances his story with great special effects and a phenomenal musical score (hats off to Michael Giacchino). The acting is also solid with Pine showing true charisma as Kirk and Quinto being unbelievably perfect as Spock. He is so good it is eerie. Bruce Greenwood adds some gravitas to the proceedings as Captain Christopher Pike.

The film is rated PG-13 for profanity and violence.

Before this film arrived there were many, many naysayers myself included who just didnt think there was anything left to say about these characters. Having seen the movie I have to say I was dead wrong. The film entranced me from beginning to end and I look forward to the next installment. Bring it on!!

Hopefully Pine, Quinto and all the rest of the wonderful cast have signed on for many more adventures, but most of all I hope Abrams has. Just like the Enterprise has to have a strong and intelligent captain, so does the Star Trek series need a strong director with a vision.

If you have not yet seen this movie, set yourself for warp speed and get to a theater now. Kirk and company are ready to entertain you royally for a couple of hours.

I scored Star Trek a futuristic 8 out of 10.

©2009 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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