“Spider Man 3” ( Sony Entertainment)
Third Time Loses Charm
The “Spider Man” series of movies has become such a national phenomena there is no way the third installment is not going to be a smash at the box office. It has word of mouth, audience identification, and pre-movie momentum going for it big time. But is the third time the charm or the runt of the litter Well do you like your puppies small or smaller
The third installment opens with Peter Parker/Spider Man (Tobey Macguire) on top of the world. He is a hero to millions and the one girl he loves, loves him back. He plans to ask Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst) to marry him and he is sure she is going to say yes!
The one blemish in his happy life is his friend Harry (James Franco). He still holds Spider Man responsible for his father’s death. He tells Peter that he will get revenge. Peter tries to dissuade him but Harry is determined to have his own private “payback” time with Spidey.
Peter also gets news about the murderer of his Uncle Ben (Cliff Robertson). He and his Aunt May (Rosemary Harris) are told by the police that the man they thought killed Ben didn’t. Instead it was another man by the name of Flint Marko (Thomas Haden Church) who did the dastardly deed. Now Peter/Spidey has a new man to hunt down, and catching him may bot be too easy. He has an alter ego known as “the Sandman.”
Also a meteorite plunges to earth and a strange goo crawls out of it. This goo attaches itself to Spider Man and makes his bright suit dark. It also changes his personality, bringing out his worst traits. Peter Parker goes from being mild to being hip. He struts down the street looking like an auditioner for “Saturday Night Fever.”
Meanwhile Mary Jane has let her demons loose and is jealous of Peter’s attention to the Police Commissioner’s daughter Gwen (Bryce Dallas Howard). She is going through some problems in her professional life and it affects her relationship with Peter.
All of this is crammed into the movie and more, and it is just too much. We are into overkill country quickly. One villain, one personal crisis, and one climactic event would have been plenty. But nooooo, we have to have one big scene after another with each one topping the one that preceded it.
What is right with the movie are the special effects. All that swooping and swinging from tall buildings is still enough to make you want to stand up and cheer. There is also still a sweetness about Peter Parker that the audience enjoys.
On the negative side the addition of Bryce Dallas Howard and Topher Grace to the cast is a bad idea. Both of these actors flop in throwaway roles. We also don’t need cameos from James Cromwell, J K Simmons, Elizabeth Banks, Bill Nunn and many more actors who are capable of carrying a full part.
The makers of the movie should have lost the hip Peter bit. It’s embarrassing. They also should have lost about forty-five minutes of the movie. It is way too long. And tell Kirsten Dunst to start eating. Her legs look like sticks.
The film is rated PG-13 for profanity and violence.
There is just too much crammed into this movie to make it enjoyable. It feels overdone from start to finish. Maybe they just went to the “Spider Man” well one time too many. Yet there is strong talk about making a fourth installment.
“Spider Man 3” will undoubtedly make money. The question is will it entertain. Kids will answer a resounding YES! while older kids and adults will be disappointed.
I scored “Spider Man 3” a cobwebbed 5 out of 10.