“Soul Plane” (MGM)
“Soul Plane” is the kind of movie that makes you feel embarrassed for the cast having to perform such garbage, and for the audience having to endure such garbage. It is a movie that finds comedy in four letter words repeated several times over, and in sexual situations presented with smirky humor. Change the “S” to an “F” and you get “Foul Plane” and that is what it is.
Likeable Kevin Hart plays Nashawn Wade, a guy who came into some money and bought an airline. He calls it NWA for Nashawn Wade Airlines, but you can read those initials anyway you want.
Snoop Dogg plays Captain Mack, the airline pilot who is afraid of heights and copes by getting high. Tom Arnold is a passenger who has problems with his wife and with his bowels. Mo’Nique is cast as a sex obsessed, foul mouthed worker for the airlines.
Some of the members of the cast are talented actors and they certainly deserve better than this. Others just get by with being good looking but they also deserve better. And any poor unsuspecting soul who plunks down his or her hard-earned money to see a comedy deserves better.
This film perpetuates some of the worst stereotypes in our history, and does it to get a laugh. Make that “to try to get a laugh.” This is a movie that is not funny at best and offensive at worst.
The movie is rated R for profanity and sexual humor.
Hopefully this movie will flop, and flop quickly. We don’t need a “Soul Plane 2” but only a total failure at the box office will prevent it from happening.
I scored “Soul Plane” a soul-less 1 out of 10.