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“Something’s Gotta Give” (Columbia Pictures)

Nancy Meyers gave us last year’s Mel Gibson starrer “What A Woman Wants.” She also was part of the team that created the “Father of the Bride” remakes. Now she is in top form as the writer/director of “Something’s Gotta Give,” a rich romantic romp of a movie that showcases the talents of stars who are (gasp!) over fifty.

Erica Barry (Diane Keaton) is a divorced woman who has one daughter Marin (Amanda Peet). She lives in the Hamptons and writes plays for a living – a very good living. Marin is an auctioneer for Christie’s in New York City. It is there that she meets Harry (Jack Nicholson), a player of the highest order.

Marin thinks her mother is not going to be at home one weekend so she invites Harry out. Erica and her sister Zoe (Frances McDormand) do show up and interrupt the love tryst. They also manage to send Harry straight into cardiac arrest. 

The attack is luckily a mild one and Harry’s doctor (Keanu Reeves) advises bed rest. He also says Harry can’t travel. This means Harry ends up being Erica’s houseguest. Erica ends up being asked out on a date by Julian (Reeves). When Harry and Erica find they are attracted to each other, life begins to get complicated.

This is a movie that is rich in characterizations and rich in talent. Keaton is luminous and adorable. Erica is a part Katherine Hepburn would have loved to have played and maybe Spencer Tracy would have made a great Harry. But they couldn’t have done the roles any better than Keaton and Nicholson. They are super together and have chemistry to spare.

Peet and Reeves are also good but they only have a few scenes. This movie belongs to Keaton and Nicholson and they devour their parts with fervor. It is as if they knew from the start people were going to love them in these roles and they want to make the best of it.

The movie is rated PG-13 for profanity and brief nudity.

How many years has it been since we had an adult comedy, acted by adults and aimed for adults This time they turned the pros loose and what a delight that is. Even though the film is over two hours in length it is still fun from start to finish.

I scored “Something’s Gotta Give” a senior moment 7 out of 10.

©2003 Jackie K. Cooper

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