“Sky High” (Walt Disney Pictures)
The world of superheroes has been done to death but leave it to the Walt Disney Studio to come up with one last unique look at the whole genre. This they do in “Sky High,” a laugh loaded adventure comedy that takes us behind the scenes into the lives and loves of the people with super powers. Kurt Russell, Kelly Preston and Michael Angarano are the stars of this delightful film.
The Commander and Jetstream (Russell and Preston) are superheroes of the highest powers, but undercover they are a normal American couple with the names of Steve and Josie Stronghold. The Strongholds sell real estate and are the parents of a son named Will (Angarano). It is now time for Will to enter his freshman year of high school and he will be attending “Sky High,” his parents’ alma mater.
At “Sky High” Will learns you are classified as either a Hero or a Sidekick, depending on your superpowers. He hasn’t actually gotten his “powers” yet so he is a little apprehensive. Luckily his best friend Layla (Danielle Panabaker) is a freshman too so he doesn’t have to worry alone.
Without giving too much of the inventive plot away, you know Will is going to have trouble at school but is eventually going to be called upon to save the day. This is done with a lot of comedy and even a sprinkling of romance.
Angarano is the star of the film even though Preston and Russell are bigger names. The film centers on Will and Angarano makes him believable in everything he does, and in every situation with which he is faced. If he were not so believable and likeable then the movie would not be as much fun as it is.
Russell and Preston carry off their roles as super-heroes, but not so super parents, with ease. They don’t have a lot of screen time but they make the most of what they get.
Panabaker is impressive as Will’s friend Layla. She is a very pretty young woman and has good charisma with Angarano. You want them to get together and be a couple.
Cloris Leachman has a brief cameo as a school nurse and it is delightful. You can always count on Cloris for a laugh or two. Bruce Campbell also has some fun with his brief role as an instructor at Sky High, as do Lynda Carter and Dave Foley.
The movie is rated PG for mild profanity and mild violence.
“Sky High” is the kind of film the entire family can enjoy. It works on several levels as an adventure, a romantic comedy, and a satire of the superhero trend in movies. It is fast-paced, and truly funny.
Gather up your family and go see this one. The sky is the limit on the entertainment value of “Sky High.”
I scored “Sky High” a tall order 7 out of 10.