“Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow” (Paramount Pictures)
Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie star in the ultra stylish film “Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.” The movie is so novel in its use of invented backdrops and subdued hues that the storyline pales in comparison. It becomes a case of too much style over too little substance.
Paltrow is Polly Perkins, a reporter in New York. She is on the trail of some disappearing scientists when she is almost smashed by huge robots that rumble through the streets of New York. She is rescued by Joe Sullivan aka “Sky Captain” (Law), a man with whom she once had a romantic fling.
Polly and Joe team up to try to figure out who is sending the robots and why. Their quest takes them halfway around the world to Nepal. Along the way they gain the assistance of another old flame of Joe’s named Franky Cook (Jolie).
All of this action takes place in the pre-World War II years and the look of the film is perfect for that era. The hairstyles, the clothing, the furniture and the automobiles are all picture perfect – too perfect. The actors become little more than animated mannequins who move through their roles with a little flair but that is all. There are no dramatic moments, and no personal involvement.
Paltrow has always been a rather frosty actress and in this film she is clumpily icy. She doesn’t wear the clothes well and her role is so sketchy that you never get a feel for who or what Polly is. The same is true of Law. As a romantic hero he is not in the Han Solo league by a long shot. Jolie has what is virtually a cameo role and doesn’t make the most of it.
The film is rated PG for mild violence and profanity.
It has been widely reported the actors performed against blue screens and all the scenery and sets were added by computers. This makes for an amazing looking film but also one that is overwhelmed by its special effects. The story is not strong to begin with and when the special effects kick in, it doesn’t have a chance.
“Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow” is a feast for the eyes but as an overall entertainment, well let’s just keep the world of today with real sets and scenery and an involving story.
I scored “Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow” a yesterday’s 4 out of 10.