“Shrek 2” (DreamWorks)
Move over “Godfather 2,” the new king of sequels is “Shrek 2.” Yes, the loveable green ogre is back with his bride and the fun is more contagious than ever. The original “Shrek” was a masterpiece of computer generated animation and this follow-up looks even better on screen. Plus the script mines the laughs for all they are worth, and the voice roles are perfectly cast. This is the big movie of the summer and possibly the year.
When the movie opens Shrek (Michael Myers) and his bride Fiona (Cameron Diaz) are off on their honeymoon leaving poor Donkey (Edie Murphy) behind. When they return they get a summons form Fiona’s parents (John Cleese and Julie Andrews) to visit them in the land of Far Far Away.
Shrek at first is adamant he doesn’t want to go but Fiona wins him over. They and Donkey set out. Fiona is excited, Shrek is glum, and Donkey is over eager. When they arrive the King takes one look at Shrek and dislikes him. The Queen is more accepting.
The Fairy Godmother (Jennifer Saunders) is upset because she had plans for her son. Prince Charming (Rupert Everett), and Fiona. She demands the King make everything right and so he hires Puss in Boots (Antonio Banderas) to get rid of Shrek. Little does he know that Shrek’s gentle spirit will win Puss in Boots over to his side.
Murphy is the comic highlight of the film. He has better one liners than he had in the first and those were pretty impressive. Plus Murphy’s delivery is dead on target. Banderas is a welcome addition to the cast and when he and Murphy break into song, well watch out.
The film is rated PG for some crude humor but overall it is acceptable for the family.
The secret of “Shrek’s” success is the sweetness at the core. Shrek and Fiona share a true love that transcends their outer covering. It is what they are on the inside that counts. Plus Donkey is a friend who is true through thick and thin. He is totally devoted to the couple. Love, friendship, honor – pretty radical traits for a movie these days. Still the success of this film will show these values are still in style.
Other summer movies will be turning green with envy, but it is the original green man who will have the last laugh. Shrek 2″ is the movie to top this year. All others will probably be left in his dust.
I scored “Shrek 2” a monstrous 10 out of 10.