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Shes Out of My League (DreamWorks)

But Hes Still In the Game

Shes Out of My League is a sweet romantic movie about a nerdy guy and an angel of a girl. Shes a ten and hes a five (that is being generous) and supposedly never the twain shall meet. However in this film she is able to see the heart beneath his exterior and geeks around the world are throwing victory celebrations. The only problem for some members of the audience is the profane and crude way in which the story is presented.

Kirk (Jay Baruchel) is a high school graduate who never got to go to college. He has settled for being an employee of the Transportation Safety Office. One day he meets a passenger named Molly (Alice Eve) who is stunningly beautiful. Through a series of events he helps her out and she in return asks him on a date. His three closest friends tell him to forget it but she seems sincere and he is head over heels for her.

The film follows their relationship and explores the reasons why a love affair between a beautiful girl and a nerdy guy wouldnt work, except theirs does. The comedy comes from Kirks friends banter about why he should run away from Molly and settle for someone in his league.

Stainer (T J Miler), Jack (Mike Vogel), and Devon (Nate Torrance) are Kirks closest friends and they form a Greek chorus of sorts to chant why Kirk will never get Molly. Each of these characters gets a chance to shine in his relationship with Kirk. 

The problem with the film is its attempt to be a Jud Apatow type comedy with all the profanity abounding and the crude sex jokes being smirkingly delivered. It just doesnt work here and in fact works against the success of the film. Each crude sex scene grates jarringly against the sweet tone of the film, and the excessive use of profanity doesnt come off as natural for some of the characters.

Baruchel is excellent as the underweight and underconfident Kirk. He gives his character just the right amount of humility and charm. Because he is so loveable in the role we can see how a girl like Molly could fall for Kirk. Alice Eve is also good as Molly, making her more than her exterior. Eve projects humor, warmth and vulnerability which are exactly the traits Molly needs to possess.

Nate Torrance is a standout as Kirks slightly rotund buddy. He projects a naivet that should be off putting but instead is endearing. Geoff Stults is perfectly cast as the all American flyboy who is Kirks main competition.

The film is rated R for profanity, sexual situations and brief nudity.

Shes Out of My League is a romantic comedy that could appeal to audiences across the board, but the excessive profanity and sex will turn a good portion of them off, and thats a shame. Still the film is funny and heartfelt and should do wonders for the careers of both Baruchel and Eve.

I scored Shes Out of My League a major 6 out of 10.

©2010 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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