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“Seed of Chucky” (Rogue Pictures)

Chucky, the devil doll from Hell, strikes again in “Seed of Chucky.” This is a sequel that nobody was screaming to see, but it got made anyway. Worst of all it drags poor Jennifer Tilly back to make fun of her own quickly dimming career. That might be the worst hurt of the entire movie.

The film starts off with a series of mass murders that might have been part of a movie in a movie or perhaps the work of another demented doll named Glen/Glenda depending on its mood. Anyway soon Chucky and his doll bride Tiffany are on a killing rampage once more. They have also decided Glen/Glenda is their offspring because he had “Made In Japan” stamped on his arm just as they do.

Jennifer Tilly, playing herself, is making a “Chucky” movie when she decides to try to reinvent her career by auditioning for Redman, playing himself too, in a Biblical epic he is directing. She sees herself as the Virgin Mary. 

Meanwhile a snoopy reporter (John Waters) is trying to get the goods on film proving a Tilly/Redman affair; but Chucky catches him in the act of snooping and soon he can snoop no more. And on and on it goes with no tension, frightening moments, or even humor being displayed. It just a tedious effort perked up periodically by the actions of the dolls.

The Glen/Glenda doll is particularly annoying as it has something of a Michael Jackson tone to it. Tilly is also grating as Jennifer Tilly and when she speaks for Tiffany. Brad Dourif seems to be enjoying himself as the voice of Chucky.

The movie is rated R for profanity, violence and nudity.

Let’s hope everyone has gotten Chucky out of their system and there will be no more sequels. Enough is enough is enough.

I scored “Seed of Chucky” a dolled up 3 out of 10.

©2004 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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