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“Secondhand Lions” (New Line Cinema)

“Secondhand Lions” is a treat for the entire family, and is one of the most truly touching movies of the year. Michael Caine, Robert Duval and Haley Joel Osment are all wonderful in this coming of age story about a young boy who finds his safe haven on a farm with two bachelor uncles.

Teenage Walter (Osment) is the last person you would expect to be happy on a farm in the middle of nowhere that is owned by his great-uncles. He is dropped off there by his mother (Kyra Sedgewick) who is off on some new-fangled adventure. Hub (Duval) and Garth (Caine) aren’t eager to have a young boy spend the summer with them but they reluctantly agree.

It turns out that this is the best thing that could have happened to Walter. His two uncles are loads of fun and soon have him involved in their adventures. He also manages to get Uncle Garth to tell him the brothers’ background, which involves the French Foreign Legion and a run in with an Arabian sheik. Plus there is the story of Hub’s love affair with the beautiful Jasmine.

The movie has one interesting segment after another. We get flashbacks to the Arabian adventures; as well as present day adventures with an over the hill lion, and some disrespectful young men in town. Plus there is the legend of a fortune the two brothers are supposed to have.

There are flaws in the movie to be sure. Caine’s southern accent goes and comes, while Osment adopts an awkward gait when he walks – sometimes. But who cares! The overall effect of the movie is so positive and heart warming that these seem like minor quibbles that can be overlooked.

The chemistry between the three leads is remarkable. Osment’s Walter brings out the soft side of the two older men and makes their affection for him natural and unforced. Sedgewick is all flighty and self-absorbed as Walter’s mother; while Nicky Katt is menacing as her latest boyfriend.

The movie is rated PG for mild profanity.

‘Secondhand Lions” is a movie suitable for the entire family and should please audiences of all ages. Osment is entering his awkward years but roles of this type will help him transition through to adulthood.

I scored “Secondhand Lions” a roaring 7 out of 10.

©2003 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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