7 tech score
Emma Thompson and Tom Hanks in “Saving Mr. Banks”; photo courtesy of Walt Disney
“Saving Mr. Banks” (Walt Disney Studios)
Now here is a dog chasing its tail type scenario. Walt Disney Studios has created a film titled “Saving Mr. Banks” which has Walt Disney as a featured character. It also involves P. L. Travers and the attempt by Disney o make a movie out of her book MARY POPPINS. It all seems a bit incestuous but in truth it is a nice movie about letting go of the past and embracing the present.
Tom Hanks stars as Disney and Emma Thompson plays Travers. They have a fine time dueling with dialogue as Disney tries to convince Travers that he can make a terrific movie from her book. She thinks he is going to go all animation on her and make it sweetly cloying. It is a battle of wits from beginning to end.
As Disney and Travers do battle there are many flashbacks to her childhood. We learn about her beloved father Travers Goff (Colin Farrell) whose alcoholism cost her family dearly. Her family became a stand in for the Banks family which she created for Mary Poppins to save. It is all personal to her and is why she is so afraid it will not be treated correctly on screen.
One of the brightest points of the film is the relationship that develops between Travers and her driver Ralph (Paul Giamatti). Ralph brings out her humanity and warmth. This is not easy to do as Travers has multi-layers of protection in her personality. Giamatti gives Ralph a calming and soothing persona and it works.
Thompson is fiercely stubborn as Travers. She manages to hold on to her hostile exterior while giving us glances of the woman beneath the “ice.” Aside from her acting which is fine, one problem with the performance is Thompson’s age. Traver’s was in her sixties when she was sparring with Disney. Thompson looks to be in her late thirties or early forties at the most.
Hanks is perfectly enjoyable as the loquacious and animated Disney. He seems to be the man we always thought Disney to be. It is not easy portraying an American icon but Hanks pulls it off with ease.
The movie is rated PG-13 for mild profanity and adult themes.
“Saving Mr. Banks” is a completely enjoyable movie, but it never has the magic in it that you would expect of a movie of this type. This is Disney after all so you want more of an emotional tug at your heart and that never happens. This lack of strong emotion is the difference in it being a good film and a great one.
I scored “Saving Mr. Banks” an animated 7 out of 10.