Remember Me (Summit Entertainment)
Pattinsons Second Bite Out of the Box Office
Robert Pattinson rose to fame as the star of the two Twilight movies. Those films highlighted his looks but not his acting talents. He gets a chance to display these skills in his new film Remember Me. His co-star in this movie is Lost participant Emilie de Raven.
In this new movie Pattinson plays a twenty-one year old man named Tyler. Tyler has a lot of conflict in his life caused by the death of an older brother, the divorce of his parents, and his responsibilities to his younger sister. He lives with a roommate named Aiden (Tate Ellington) and audits college courses.
Through a series of events he meets a young woman named Ally (de Ravin) and they begin seeing each other. Ally has her own set of problems as her mother was murdered right in front of her eyes in a subway mugging ten years previously. This loss has caused her father (Chris Cooper) to be overly protective.
Ally immediately fits in with Tylers family. His mother (Lena Olin, stepfather (Gregory Jbarra) and sister (Ruby Jerins) welcome her with open arms primarily on the premise that if she is good for Tyler she is good for them. Ally tries to help Tyler with his relationship with his father (Pierce Brosnan) but it remains difficult.
The most important and fascinating part of the film is that you believe these characters are who they profess to be. There is not one false note struck among them. Plus this is one of the most romantic movies, in a dramatic way, that has been offered by Hollywood in some time.
Pattinson is totally impressive as Tyler. He has a brooding restlessness about him that should add even more screaming girls to his legion of fans. Plus this role should lead to more offers of serious parts coming his way. Opposite him de Ravin kicks aside her mannerisms from Claire on Lost and creates a totally new character. Ally has depth and demons just like Tyler and de Ravin brings every one to the surface.
Olin is vulnerable as Tylers mother while Ellington is only mildly annoying as Aiden, a role that was written to be annoying. Cooper seethes with intensity as Allys father while Brosnan is icily businesslike as Tylers father. It is his best role in years and manages to wipe out some of the bad memories of his performances in Mama Mia! and Percy Jackson and the Olympians.
Giving Pattinson and de Ravin a run for their money in the best acting contest is Jerins. She makes her role as Caroline the heart of the movie. She is quietly sad and emotionally tender. She is also fascinating to watch. There should be big roles ahead for this talented young actress.
The movie is rated PG-13 for profanity, violence and sexual situations.
There is a twist at the end of this film which some have found to be interesting and appropriate while others have found it offensive. I thought it was a very fitting way to end the movie.
Remember Me is a movie I will remember and I think you will too. It certainly heralds new aspects to the acting careers of Pattinson and de Ravin, and it introduces a star of tomorrow in Ruby Jerins.
I scored Remember Me an unforgettable 7 out of 10.