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“Red Dragon” (Universal Pictures)

Anthony Hopkins gave his debut performance as Hannibal Lecter in the film “Silence of the Lambs” in 1991. But before there was “Silence” there was “Manhunter” which in 1986 introduced the voracious Mr. Lecter to the world. Now this prequel to “Silence of the Lambs” has been remade and titled “Red Dragon.” Anthony Hopkins goes back in time to play a younger version of the man who would like to have you for dinner.

The film starts with a duel of wits between Lecter and the FBI agent pursuing him. Eventually Will Graham, played by Edward Norton, effects the capture of Lecter, but at no small cost to his physical and mental well being.

Later Graham is forced to consult with Lecter when a series of murders occur and they look to be the work of one man. Two families are wiped out and it looks like the man they call “the Tooth Fairy” will strike again. Graham races to gain whatever help Lecter can or will give to him in hopes of saving some future lives.

This movie is equal to the impact made by “Silence of the Lambs.” It has a lush look to it and is stacked with one great performance after another. Hopkins is brilliant, Norton is amazing, Ralph Fiennes is staggeringly psychotic. And on and on the list of wonderful adjectives go to describe a cast that collectively never lets you down.

The film is rated R for violence, profanity and nudity.

“Red Dragon” may not be everyone’s cup of tea – make that glass of Chianti – but for those who like this type of intense psychological thriller this one should be at the top of their list. It is a beautifully made, stunningly acted movie that ranks as a perfect companion piece to “Silence of the Lambs.”

I scored “Red Dragon” a roaring 9 out of 10.

©2003 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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