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Red (Summit Entertainment)

A Fun Action Flick

When you get Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren, Morgan Freeman, John Malkovich and Mary Louise Parker together in a movie, you know the potential for fun and action is there. In the new film Red this cast of actors takes ordinary material and stretches it to the heights. The film is full of fun, thrills and even a bit of romance. Whats not to like!

Frank Moses (Willis) is retired from the CIA. He spends his days not doing much of anything but getting through. The highlight of his life is his phone conversations with Sarah Ross (Parker) who works at the center where his retirement checks are sent out. He calls her to check on his checks and then their conversation goes into other areas.

One night Frank is attacked in his house by unknown assailants. Frank does not know why he has been attacked but he knows enough to start figuring it out. He checks out his knowledge with his buddy Joe Matheson (Freeman), who is eighty years old and living in a retirement home. He also decides he has to see Sarah as she might be in danger because of her association with him.

Eventually his old group of close friends and ex CIA employees, who have been designated as RED (retired, extremely dangerous), get together. Marvin (John Malkovich) and Victoria (Mirren) are now part of the group. They learn that the people looking for them include CIA Agents William Cooper (Kurt Urban) and Cynthia Wilkes (Rebecca Pidgeon). They also learn that business giant Alexander Dunning (Richard Dreyfus) and Vice President Robert Stanton (Julian McMahon) might be involved.

Everybody in the movie adds something to the fun however Parkers wide eyed enthusiasm is contagious and endearing. Then there is Malkovichs Marvin, a quirky guy who is totally paranoid but for a reason. Most enjoyable is Mirren as the gun toting Victoria. This lady shows that good acting lasts forever and that sexuality is not governed by age.

A brief explanation of a love affair between Victoria and Russian spy Ivan Simanov (Brian Cox) warms the heart of the film. You wish you could see more of them together, and maybe in a sequel you can.

Willis is the star of the movie and he is the best he has been since the Die Hard days. His smirks are part of his charm and his action prowess is totally believable. Freeman adds authority and integrity to the story.

The film is rated PG-13 for profanity and violence.

Red is a film all ages can enjoy. It has enough action to keep the movie moving and enough charm to keep you interested in the characters. When it is over you go out hoping that these characters will continue in another story and thats saying something.

I scored Red a colorful 7 out of 10.

©2010 Jackie K. Cooper

The author

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