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“Ray” (Universal Pictures)

Once in a blue moon an actor and a role are perfectly matched. When it does happen there is magic on the screen and the audience is mesmerized. This happened when Jim Carrey played Andy Kaufman in “Man On the Moon”; Angela Bassett played Tina Turner in “What’s Love Got To Do With It” and Sissy Spacek played Loretta Lynn in “Coal Miner’s Daughter” just to name a few. Now lightning strikes again with Jamie Foxx’s portrayal of Ray Charles in the new film “Ray.”

To say Foxx does a good job of acting out the role of Ray Charles is a complete understatement. Jamie Foxx becomes Ray Charles in this film. He has the look, the sound and the affectations that were Ray Charles. Of course the singing is done with Ray Charles’ voice, but the speaking is pure Foxx as Charles.

The movie gives us a complete look at Ray Charles the man and the musician. We learn about his blindness that occurred when he was only seven years old. Later we see him as a man who was determined not to be considered a cripple in any sense of the word. We watch with awe as he moves about in a sighted world with only the smallest amount of guidance.

This movie makes us care for Ray Charles but it also shows his imperfections. He was a womanizer, an adulterer, and a heroin addict. His faithful wife is portrayed by Kerry Washington while Regina King plays Margie Hendricks, one of the Raettes and also Ray’s “on the road” lover.

The movie is rated PG-13 for profanity, violence and drug usage.

This movie about Ray Charles has some flaws. It is too long and also too episodic; but when the acting is this great that is all that matters. Jamie Foxx will definitely get an Oscar nomination for this performance. Better yet, he may go all the way and win. There hasn’t been anyone else in a movie role this year that can touch him at this point.

I scored “Ray” an insightful 8 out of 10.

©2004 Jackie K. Cooper

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